Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Thur. It is so nice to wake up and have nothing planned.  We did take a walk, have our fourth fire in the pit, washed the rig, and relaxed.   After playing some games we ate dinner then I got my part of the rig ready to leave on Sunday.

Fri. We got up early, after a late start because I put the truck keys in my jacket pocket the night before and could not find them.  We still got to the GM Corvette plant on time. Top left picture is outside the plant we were not allowed to take pictures inside the plant.  It was a two hour tour that went by so fast.  We both enjoyed seeing how the cars are put together.  When we left there we drove to the museum(top 2nd picture). Top rt. 2 pictures is the old (1953 first model) and new ( 2015 with new color paint for this year).  As we went around the museum we came upon the sink hole. 2/12/14 at 5:39 a.m. 33 ft deep 60 ft. long and 45 ft. wide (oval shape). 8 cars went into the hole two were on loan and six owned by the museum.  When we left there we went to a Bowling Green Visitors Bureau outside was this vet bottom 3rd picture.  They say more are around town. Then the bottom right is one of the boats that the corvette got its name from. A ship slim and fast guarded ports and rivers from USA and Canada to England. Corvette (French-meaning fast sloop).
We drove down town to the fountain square (top left) saw a church (top middle) and got some things at the local bakery.  We then drove to Jackson's orchard (top right) had pumpkin ice cream cone, apple donut, and apple cider. We watched them grade and put the apples in bags. Bought  1/2 bushel of Jonathan gold.  We found out the Jen was one hour from Bowling Green so we spent the night with them.  For dinner we had Pizza later after some cards we went to the new Krispy Kreme Doughnuts for fresh hot ones!.
Sat. Chris went to work, Jen and Mackenzie went to her ball game, and we took Katie to her school fall festival.  Top 2 left she is playing some of the many game. Top right getting bandaged up (tried to fool mom and dad but did not work). Bottom left we rode in the back of a fire truck. Bottom middle one of blow up games.  We all met at Jen's then back to Mackenzie ball games.  They won 2 out of three games.  After the game we drove to the rig.
Sun. We went to church, then got the rig, went to the dump station, then drove to Lake Cumberland. Near Jamestown Ky. at the dam in a Core. of Eng park.  We got set up did 2 loads of laundry then bed for there is no (not one) TV station.

Mon.  We got up had a nice breakfast and bible study.  Got the bikes down and went for a ride.  They have a free fishery next door so went to the museum to the dam and fishery.  As we talked to the folks found out they need some help so we volunteered for the next two weeks.  They have a area for volunteers so we moved the rig and got a refund on the camp site we were on( it was a nice wooded area by a creek).  After we got set up we found water in bottom of storage area.  Got it all dried out. look Tues to see if we fixed leak.

Tues. We got up ate and did our bible study and Linda could not wait to see if the leak was fixed.  So she ran out and found it all dry (Thank-you God). We then went to our first meeting at the Wolf Creek National Fish Hatchery.  We spent the day there learning what our jobs will be.  One of them is feeding all the snakes, fish, and animals. Below Linda is holding a skunk that is way over weight.  Top right you can make out some of the fish. Bottom picture is our new site for the rig.

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