Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Maine and starting trip SW to Ohio

Tues. Afternoon Life is full of changes.  Just when we thought for the third time we were going to go to Maine the door shut again.  We took the truck in for an oil change and then found the transmission fluid needed changing.  When we went in the engine light was on we thought it was because the oil change was due.  We found that the Exhaust Gas Regulator  was bad and it would take five hours to fix.  He had another job to do and could not finish it till tomorrow. They drove us to the rig which took 30 min. only to find out we did not have the house key.  He drove us back to get the key then back to the rig.

Wed. In the afternoon we got a ride back to  Ford got the truck went to get fuel then when we got home the engine light came on so we went back to Ford.  Just as we drove in the mechanic walked by we told him the problem so he took the truck in and found out the problem and fixed it.  We drove back to the rig did a bible study, watched a movie, then bed.

Thur. We got up ate did our bible study then left for Ct. This is the third day that it rained.  We got to Clinton Ct. got set up then went to a shopping center and found alot of goodies.

Fri. After a easy going morning we packed a lunch and went to the beach. We parked our truck and walked through the RV park the lots were the biggest we have ever seen. We went to the beach and found shells we have not seen called Atlantic Slipper Snails.  As we drove around the rest of the Hammonasset Beach State Park we went to a nature center which is most of the pictures below.
Sat. Getting ready to move we did laundry and got the rig ready.  It was rainy all day so we stayed in the rig this afternoon and watched Halmark for we have cable at this campground.

Sun. We got up early and left for Stillwater Pa. After we got here we  took a walk.  It was 55 and we bundled up. There was a pond across the street and they had statues carved by a chainsaw through out the Park.  Below left is a chestnut tree.
Mon. It was so nice to sleep in this morning the temp was 36 but inside it was a warm 66. We looked where we were going after Ohio and made plans for three weeks in Ky. Then plans in Tn. We took a 2 1/2 mile walk this afternoon and smaller walk after dinner. Top left is the sunrise outside our bedroom window then our campsite. On right Brighton the butterfly was flying around us as we walked.In the middle left picture Linda shot this deer in the middle middle is the Mt. in the background  The bottom right and middle right a reflection picture. Then bottom left a selfe by the lake. 
Tues. We woke up early got everything ready to leave and it was so nice out we took a walk. The pictures below are taken on our way to Mercer Pa.  We did have a little mishap as I drove over what looked like a half a bumper luckily no damage.
Wed. We woke up and hit the road.  We got to Wilmington Ohio. Went to the store and then Louisville Ky to pick up Mackenzie and Katie who we had just found out that they were on fall break.  .

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