Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Dad's & going to cruise ship

Thur. We moved the rig to a new spot so the tires will not go soft on one side.  We then drove to Tammy's had dinner then watched Bryce in a baseball game.

Fri.  We did our final packing for our trip and weighed the suite cases.  It was funny the little suite cases weigh the same as our big ones.  We will have to adjust on our trip home.  I washed the truck and we did some laundry.

Sat. After moving the rig we di not put in one of the slides.  Top left is where we ate in our tit quarters.  We went to Hope's county wide archery tournament.  She place 7th in middle school and will be going to the states in two weeks.   We then went to Tam's for dinner. When we got home we packed the truck got the rig ready for us to leave.

Sun. After church we left for dad's.  We got there with out much traffic problems.  We unloaded the truck with 5 suite cases four for the trip and one for 

Mon.  After breakfast at Skidder's we came home and I put up two fans for dad and Linda took his new phone and I-pad and helped to get it set up.  We took another swim and watched some more TV.

Tues. After breakfast we went to Dad's and we both got the final things done before our trip.  Before we went to get the rental car we went to the fire pit to cook smores.  It would have been Dad's first smores EVER!!!!  As we went to turn on the fire we see a sign saying it is broken.  We picked up the rental car and went home to make smores on the stove!! THATS DETERMINATION!!!  We are happy that they cooked and the even tasted good.

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