Wednesday, April 8, 2015


Thur. We went to the bank to change in our coins ( $17.91).  Then to computer class at an other Apple store.  When we got home we were do drained we went right to bed.

Fri. We took the kids to the Science Center they got to touch a snake (top 2nd picture), make paper air planes and used a machine to launch them (top right picture), worked puzzles (middle left), built towers and let them fall on the boys(middle 2nd picture), use there skill with  the game operation (middle 3rd picture), built things in the sand ( middle right picture), built boats out of lego's (bottom left picture, see how a drain works using balls after they built their pipes (middle 2nd picture, Ate freeze-dried  ice cream sandwich ( bottom right picture), and many more things.  When we left there we met Kenn and Tam at Jason's Deli then to their church for a Easter program which Kenn and Hope were in the chorus.
Sat.  We met Tam and Hope for lunch did some shopping for easter meals.  As the girls prep the meals I met the boys at a card shop.  We colored Easter eggs (see pictures below). We had a chance to play with the kids.
Sun. HAPPY ESTER. We got up and went on a Easter egg hunt (first six pictures). We went to church where Kenn and Hope were in the chorus (middle 3rd picture) and Kenn sang a solo.  We came home and had our Easter dinner (middle right picture) and dessert (bottom left picture) a cake which we got at church.  then time to relax (bottom 2nd picture and the kids went swimming ( bottom 3rd picture).  We went on a walk to their park and played basketball.  Bottom right picture is the for sale sign. 

Mon. We spent the day doing laundry and getting our affairs ready for our trip next week.

Tues. We got up and Linda made some delicious pancakes (yum yum).  After our walk we did a load of laundry then I cleaned,washed, and waxed the front and back of the rig.  Linda did some cooking and we enjoyed the evening relaxing for we were both very tired.

Wed.  When we woke up we ate then cleaned the rigs roof and body.  The roof had a lot of pollen which was hard to get clean.  When I got to the sides Linda came for reinforcements.  She wet it down before I washed it and then she took the soap off.  When we got done she dried the bottom and I did the top. We were both happy the rig still looks good.  After a little rest we ate then to church.

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