Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Ohio Valley University Sojourn

Thur. We had our last two speakers for the workshop.  After lunch we went and got our laundry done then drove around the city getting a feel for it.

Fri.  We had our breakfast and bible study then went to the Hospital to visit Dale.  He had a cath done.  We stopped by J R Doughnuts to get donuts for his son and wife and we had to try them also.  He did well and is now recuperating.  Bob and Lynn Smith came to visit Dale and we all left at the same time.  We had pizza and a Pizza Place then went to Mulberry Lane Country Store.  They were having there 25 ann. and had cupcakes and drinks.  We went to Woodcraft store and found many tools and a shop used for teaching.  They did not have any classes right now.  Went down town to the little market had ice cream and walked around shopping.  After we got home we ate, walked, then played cards. Girls won!!!!

Sat.  We went with Bob and Lynn to Mid-Ohio Valley Multi-Cultural Festival.  They had many craft tents, lots of food, and entertainment.  When we left there we went to Marietta, Ohio.  We ate lunch at a Mexican rest. then walked around town. They had many interesting shops we enjoyed a Quilt shop and a chocolate place.  The wind came up with the rain and we got wet.  We had an umbrella but the wind bent it and destroyed it.  We had dinner when we got home we ate, walked, and played cards. Lynn won both games of crown five!!!!!

Sun.  We went to church then to Olive Garden for lunch.  We enjoyed eating Father's day meal with our sojourners.  We had a meeting before church about the next two weeks of sojourning.  After church we all went to Wendy's for ice cream. Then several of us went walking.

Mon. After our devo we all paired up and went to our places and started working. I went to a place that will be a new kitchen.  The dry wall was done and first coat of mud was done. So I sanded and put the second coat of mud on.  My partner worked on the new elec. spots.  Linda painted the trim on one of the apartments.  Before dinner I filled the battery of the rig with lots of water.  The sides were leaking so we went one got a new one.  After dinner we went and played cards(hand and foot) and the boys lost big time.

Tues.  After devo we went back to the rooms we were working on Mon. I worked on the room next door and put up drywall in the afternoon.  Linda and a lot of the ladies painted the guys dorm.  We had Lloyd over for dinner (his wife is not felling well and may not be here till next week). Finally the guys won at cards.

Wed.  Today I helped with the elec. (scary isn't it).  Picture below shows a deer which there are many on the property then two rabbits.  The bottom is some of the ladies that are working with Linda and me in the attic cutting some elec. pipe.  I also painted some and Linda and the girls painted.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Ohio Valley University Workshop

Thur.  We got up early and left for Ohio Valley University in Vienna West Virginia(just outside Parkersburg).  Since we left so early a two day trip we did in one.  Within 5 miles of getting here a motorhome pulled out in front of us.  I do not know how we stopped and not going into a ditch  but we did and the dust flew.  After we got set up we were 85 feet from the water connection and only had 70 feet of hoses.  After a trip to Walmart we are all hooked up now shower and BED.

Fri.  We put boards under the rig and got the inside ready for the next three weeks.  We went shopping and tried to go to a movie but nothing was playing that we wanted to see.

Sat. We visited some Sojourners and decided later to go for dinner.  They were born and raised here so they showed us around and took us to a local restaurant(MARY B'S DINER).  The rolls were huge(top left).  After dinner we went to a fort area that overlooked the town (next 3 pictures).  We then drove to a lookout point at Marietta Ohio(middle 2 right and bottom left).  When we got back to OVU we saw a turkey with 7 chicks (bottom middle) then just outside our rig we saw a deer(bottom right).

Sun.  After church we had a pot luck dinner.  One of the sojourners was in the hospital after a visit with him we came home.  We went to church with another couple then to Wendy's for root beer floats.  When we got back to our rig we took a long walk around the campus.  There is a lot of wild life that you can see.  It is wonderful to see them all.

Mon.  Our first day at the workshop.  We had two speakers in the morning and a open discussion in the afternoon.  It is nice to see such talent in the area.

Tues. Our second day at the workshop was good also.  The speakers are coming from all over the area. Today two came from two hours away in Ohio.  We had our sourjourner banquet.  The food was good and they had a wonderful speaker Uncle Doofus from Buggerhole W.V. He was a comedian and was very funny.

Wed.  This morning we had two more speakers and none in the afternoon.  On our way to church we visited one of the sojourners that just had surgery.  After church we went to Dairy Queen.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Cages Bend-Katie's Birthday-St. Louis

Thur. After we got up with the girls cleaned the tables and benches then made there own omelets on a grill, they rode bikes, we played wiffelball, cards and corn hole. After lunch we took Katie to volleyball practice.  Linda and I went to Fred and Betty’s for a visit then we went out to Mexican food.  After we got back to the rig with the girls we watched a movie, popcorn, and veggie straws.  

Fri. After making pancakes and oatmeal for breakfast we got a call for Linda’s SS which turned out better than we thought.  We did our bible study and we played corn hole and went swimming.  We had lunch then started a fire for our “hobos”. We then made smore’s.  When Jen and Chris got here more smore’s and played corn hole. Then the William’s caught some lighting bugs. Katie spent the night (Mackenzie had to go home because tomorrow she has a ball tournament)we went to start a movie but it did not work so we played the board game “snuggles”.

Sat. We got up and drove to the Nashville Science Center.  The pictures below show’s us doing some of the things.  Such as climbing to the top of the pyramid and looking over Nashville. Learning about our DNA, brain, family genetic ect. ect. We were strapped and lifted as if we are on the moon. Katie and I learned what it would be like to be in a wheel chair and we played basketball from the wheel chairs.

Sun.  After church we came home and moved the rig.  Then to Adie’s dance show.  She did a wonderful job dancing.  14 of us went to Cheddar’s for lunch. MacKenzie had a tournament  and when they got home Chris and I put up the crown molding in the kitchen.  We brought the girls home with us for the night. 

Mon. Linda, Mackenzie, Katie and I left for St. Louis.  We met the Niebrugge’s at the Zoo.  The kids  were very surprised to see us. It was nice to see all the animals and the new addition the polar bear(see pictures below).

From there we went to the science center. While there Brendan bought toothless with his birthday money.  We had Subway for dinner and Ted Drewes ice cream.  After a tour of Tam’s home we went to the back yard and saw two baby deers waiting for there mothers(see pictures below).

Tues. Brendan’s birthday he was so excited.  Pancakes for breakfast then opening some gifts.  One of them was a slip and slide baseball infield.  After they played for a while we went downtown to the ARCH.  We all went up into it see pictures below. We then went to Spaghetti Factory.  On our way back to Nashville there was an accident which we sat on the highway for 1 1/2 hours.  After we got home we were very tired.

Wed. After Katie woke up we had pancakes with strawberry, bananas, and blueberries.  We then got the clothes done and the rig ready to go. Katie and I then went for a swim and threw the football back and forth.  For dinner Jen/Chris took us to a pizza place that made upside down pizza's.  We surprised Mackenzie with a birthday cake(pictures below).

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Thur. Katie’s birthday. After we woke up we met Jen at Krispy Kremes.  We had lunch at Chick-fil-a.  We met Chris at Sky High where the four of them bounced for two hours.  We went to Steak ‘n Shake for Katie’s birthday dinner.  Chris took Mackenzie to   batting practice while we went shopping.  After we got back to the rig we watched the third and final movie of “High School Musical”.  

Fri. We woke up and started the grill and had bacon and egg omelette.  We took Katie to her volleyball tryouts.  Then she had three friends over for her party.  She had the girls make their own pizza then games (blind fold and tasted 16 candy bars), cake and fun.

Sat. After breakfast we found out that Katie made the middle school volleyball team.  Then off to Mackenzie’s softball tournament.  They played three games and won all three.  Tomorrow they have a game at 10:30.

Sun.  After church we moved the rig to a different sight. Then to Mackenzie’s softball game. They won their game and went to the finals. Mackenzie had a homerun!!! We took Katie to her 5th grade party at a game center.  They were having such a great time that it went to 8 not 6:30.  

MonAfter breakfast we drove to Jen’s.  I had time to bump with Katie. Linda took her to practice while I took more of the pool deck apart.  When Chris got home we cut all the pieces for the kitchen crown molding. When Mackenzie got home she told us that she had made the Hight School Softball team (YEA YEA). 

Wed. As we walked around the campgrounds we found that one of the water spots opened up so we moved the rig.  Then to Jen’s, I was able to get the boards from the deck in a pile.  I will pull the nails out later.  Then for mothers day and fathers day, Jen’s family took us out to a chocolate place.  They have several places in Florida and Tn. It was a chocolate experience.  When we entered we had a chocolate fountain with strawberries and pretzels to dip into it. Then we put chocolate into a mold, from there we learned about chocolate and tasted many types of raw chocolate.  Then we dipped stick pretzels, marshmallows, and oreo’s into chocolate.  Then we had teams to build chocolate houses and our team won so we got little boxes to put four of there chocolates into.  After that we decorated the things we dipped.  All of us had a great time. It was a great experience and so much fun.