Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Cages Bend-Katie's Birthday-St. Louis

Thur. After we got up with the girls cleaned the tables and benches then made there own omelets on a grill, they rode bikes, we played wiffelball, cards and corn hole. After lunch we took Katie to volleyball practice.  Linda and I went to Fred and Betty’s for a visit then we went out to Mexican food.  After we got back to the rig with the girls we watched a movie, popcorn, and veggie straws.  

Fri. After making pancakes and oatmeal for breakfast we got a call for Linda’s SS which turned out better than we thought.  We did our bible study and we played corn hole and went swimming.  We had lunch then started a fire for our “hobos”. We then made smore’s.  When Jen and Chris got here more smore’s and played corn hole. Then the William’s caught some lighting bugs. Katie spent the night (Mackenzie had to go home because tomorrow she has a ball tournament)we went to start a movie but it did not work so we played the board game “snuggles”.

Sat. We got up and drove to the Nashville Science Center.  The pictures below show’s us doing some of the things.  Such as climbing to the top of the pyramid and looking over Nashville. Learning about our DNA, brain, family genetic ect. ect. We were strapped and lifted as if we are on the moon. Katie and I learned what it would be like to be in a wheel chair and we played basketball from the wheel chairs.

Sun.  After church we came home and moved the rig.  Then to Adie’s dance show.  She did a wonderful job dancing.  14 of us went to Cheddar’s for lunch. MacKenzie had a tournament  and when they got home Chris and I put up the crown molding in the kitchen.  We brought the girls home with us for the night. 

Mon. Linda, Mackenzie, Katie and I left for St. Louis.  We met the Niebrugge’s at the Zoo.  The kids  were very surprised to see us. It was nice to see all the animals and the new addition the polar bear(see pictures below).

From there we went to the science center. While there Brendan bought toothless with his birthday money.  We had Subway for dinner and Ted Drewes ice cream.  After a tour of Tam’s home we went to the back yard and saw two baby deers waiting for there mothers(see pictures below).

Tues. Brendan’s birthday he was so excited.  Pancakes for breakfast then opening some gifts.  One of them was a slip and slide baseball infield.  After they played for a while we went downtown to the ARCH.  We all went up into it see pictures below. We then went to Spaghetti Factory.  On our way back to Nashville there was an accident which we sat on the highway for 1 1/2 hours.  After we got home we were very tired.

Wed. After Katie woke up we had pancakes with strawberry, bananas, and blueberries.  We then got the clothes done and the rig ready to go. Katie and I then went for a swim and threw the football back and forth.  For dinner Jen/Chris took us to a pizza place that made upside down pizza's.  We surprised Mackenzie with a birthday cake(pictures below).

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