Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Ohio Valley University Workshop

Thur.  We got up early and left for Ohio Valley University in Vienna West Virginia(just outside Parkersburg).  Since we left so early a two day trip we did in one.  Within 5 miles of getting here a motorhome pulled out in front of us.  I do not know how we stopped and not going into a ditch  but we did and the dust flew.  After we got set up we were 85 feet from the water connection and only had 70 feet of hoses.  After a trip to Walmart we are all hooked up now shower and BED.

Fri.  We put boards under the rig and got the inside ready for the next three weeks.  We went shopping and tried to go to a movie but nothing was playing that we wanted to see.

Sat. We visited some Sojourners and decided later to go for dinner.  They were born and raised here so they showed us around and took us to a local restaurant(MARY B'S DINER).  The rolls were huge(top left).  After dinner we went to a fort area that overlooked the town (next 3 pictures).  We then drove to a lookout point at Marietta Ohio(middle 2 right and bottom left).  When we got back to OVU we saw a turkey with 7 chicks (bottom middle) then just outside our rig we saw a deer(bottom right).

Sun.  After church we had a pot luck dinner.  One of the sojourners was in the hospital after a visit with him we came home.  We went to church with another couple then to Wendy's for root beer floats.  When we got back to our rig we took a long walk around the campus.  There is a lot of wild life that you can see.  It is wonderful to see them all.

Mon.  Our first day at the workshop.  We had two speakers in the morning and a open discussion in the afternoon.  It is nice to see such talent in the area.

Tues. Our second day at the workshop was good also.  The speakers are coming from all over the area. Today two came from two hours away in Ohio.  We had our sourjourner banquet.  The food was good and they had a wonderful speaker Uncle Doofus from Buggerhole W.V. He was a comedian and was very funny.

Wed.  This morning we had two more speakers and none in the afternoon.  On our way to church we visited one of the sojourners that just had surgery.  After church we went to Dairy Queen.

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