Thursday, July 30, 2015

Niagara Falls-LeRoy-Letchworth State Park-Rochester New York- Truck brokedown

Wed. Night What a hard job to get just a FEW pictures of the falls.  We started with over 200 pictures.  We went on a Gray Line Tour.  The top left picture is when we came to the city of Niagara Falls, it is the hotel where Marilyn Monroe starred in “Niagara”. You can enjoy the pictures and I will give you the highlights of what we did. Maid of the Mist Boat Trip we saw American Falls, Bridal Veil Falls and Canadian Horseshoe Falls. We saw upper Niagara River and Rapids, Niagara Gorge & Whirlpool (2nd row 4th picture is a cable ride in Canada that goes to another spot in Canada over the whirlpool)and Cave of the Winds Adventure to name some of the things we did. I believe it is one of the wonders of the world and it truly was!! Can’t wait to see the Canadian side on Fri.

Thur.  Linda woke up with another headache.  We left for Lewiston on the way we stopped at Power Vista(a two story building where the NY power co. have displays on electricity and how the power came about in that area)(another note they have two large pumps and are able in the day to take 50% of the water from  the falls and at night 80% of the water for there reservoirs to help preserve the waterfalls).  Then for the most amazing boat ride. Lewiston's Whirlpool Jet Boat Tour(one of North America's TOP FIVE ADVENTURE RIDES). With about 50 folks aboard this boat did 360’s and went through the 35 mph level 4 and 5 rapids, on the lower Niagara  River.  We went through 8 to 10 foot swails.  The water came over the bow with a lot of force.  We were in the front row and both just loved it.  The captain went through the level 4 and 5 rapids 5 or 6 times. Everyone just loved it.  Lets just say it was a rush.  I put on my glasses once and the water was so strong it ripped them of my face and I did not know it(they are gone, and Linda said I told you so).  After our trip we walked to the park where we learnt about the crossing for the underground for slaves to go to Canada.  We came to Silo restaurant. We found that the travel channel’s Adam Richman visited and  had an Original Haystack (rib-eye, mozzarella, topped with toasted hash browns).  So we just had to share one and it was wonderful.  
Fri. We slowed down did laundry before our trip to Canada.  We went again with Greyline tour and again we had a great tour guide.  Some of the highlights were journey behind the falls, floral clock, on top skyline tower, driving Niagara Pkwy, and seeing the fireworks over the falls. Behind the falls was a tunnel which took us behind the falls then right next to them.  The floral clock is a botanic garden’s where a three year students take care of the gardens and they do the clock with different flowers twice a year.  There had not been two of the same since 1950 and when the students get done with there classes they cen get a job anywhere.  The pkwy goes from Lake Erie to Lake Ontario, they also have a bike path that goes along the pkwy and many thousands of miles over Canada. We also went atop the 14 story tower which over looks the falls and city.  From the Canadian side you can see the the lights on the falls much better.  On Fri. night they have a five min. fireworks. It was simply bone of God”s Wonders!

Sat. We drove to Herschell Carrousel factory museum.  It showed how he took steam farm machinery to make the power for his carrousels. They had many of the hand carved houses on display.  They had many kiddie rides and one ride for bigger folks.  We then drove to Buffalo to the Science center and museum.  They had four floors of interaction and displays.  Then to Pierce Arrow carshow. Not only did they make cars (1900’s)they made bikes(1897) and trailers.  They were made in Buffalo NY and the show was at there museum.
Sun. After church we drove to Lockport to see the Tiffany glass at one of the churches.  We walked to the locks and watched a boat go through it.  Then to a place that makes there own ice cream(yum yum).  From there we went to Gasport to a Christmas display at an Ace Hardware.  Then to Becker farms to pick blueberries and rasberries.  When we got home I washed the truck and Linda did laundry she did not do 2 days ago.  

Mon.  We got the rig ready to move to LeRoy.  After getting here and getting set up we went to the Jell-o museum and LeRoy's home.  It was interesting to see that jell-o almost did not get it's start but after a advertising campaign it sold.  Women were use to making thing from scratch and just adding hot water then cold was to easy.  I also did not know that jell-o sold figurines and there were many other nations that sold products like jell-o but they were not as easy to make. 

In the bottom floor of the museum They had many articles of the olden days.  It was neat to see our past.

From LeRoy we drove to Letchworth State Park (which was voted #1 state park of the year)It also has been called a "Mini Grand Canyon"The first thing we saw as we drove into the park was an overlook of the middle falls (107 foot drop which has a light illuminate at night during the summer).  There has been a lot of history in this area and there was many things the property such as the council grounds, statue of Mary Jemison, statue of a work of the CCC who made the park look as it does today, and a statue for the WW2 vets.

As we were leaving the upper falls we happened to see two air balloons getting ready to launch.  As they were leaving we raced to the middle falls to get pictures of them and the falls.

Tues. We drove to Rochester today to George Eastman House.  The history of the camera where George first took pictures to how he made the camera so everyone could use them.  How he used his wealth to better all around him.  How he developed the commute chest (now called united way).  Then we went through his home and saw how he had a love for music and the arts.

After a picnic at the  grounds of Eastman house we went to Starbucks then to Museum and Science Center.  It is one of the best science centers that we have been to.  It has four floor with each floor having interactive things to do for both young and old.  It was a good learning experience.  On the way back to the rig our gps was not working correctly we are hopping it was the heat.  After dinner we got the rig ready to leave in the morning

Wed.  We got up early and that was the best part of the day.  As we left the park the front rt. landing gear skidded across the road. We took a wrong turn and had to back tract.  Then to get fuel, we went to two exits.  The exit we used we went to the third gas station.  It was expensive so we got 10 gal. We drove 4 miles and the truck started to make all kinds of racket.  It was on a hill and a curve on a very narrow road.  So I called 911 and a police officer came who put flares on the curve of the road and I put my reflectors up on the hill of the road.  Linda was calling on the phone to get things done and it must have been over 100 degrees in the truck for it was in the mid 90s outside.  So from 11:30 to 5:00 we worked to get the truck towed 10 miles to the ford dealership!! Then we had to have another tow truck to move the rig to a campground.  They suggested one because one of the towing company employees parents own it.  We got settled in to fine no internet, no (not one) tv station. They told us it was closer to dealership but the other has pool, internet, laundry ect. The other one was twice as far away though.  What we got is maybe one other person in the whole park.  We are praying it will be fixed tomorrow. We did make it to Swan Lake Camplands in Ferndale NY with one dramatic thing after another (very stressful day)

Thur.  Waited all day still no answer to what is wrong with the truck.  They say that it has been assigned to a mechanic . It took us a half day to calm down and then it was cloudy so we sat in our chairs and read.  For entertainment tonight we watched them cut down at least a 40ft tree that was getting to close to the electric wires to the tune of $800!!!  Then walked by the pond. It does have beautiful reflections.  Oh by the way playing with and adjusting the tv antenna we got 6 channels qvc, ion,ion life, qubo,shop,and hsn!!!!!! 

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Jefferson Ohio- Niagara Falls

Thur.   After lunch we got a canoe (top right picture) for two hours then found a big swing and read some RV mag.  After dinner we played cards what a relaxing day. It got down to 45 and it was 59 in the rig. Now that is good sleeping weather. After breakfast we took a bike ride and played putt putt (top left picture).

Fri. After our bible study we drove to several covered bridges (picture below). This county has 18 covered bridges,  the shortest (18 feet), and longest (613 feet) in the US.  The bridges were built from 1867 to 2010.  After visiting bridges we drove to Conneaut, Ohio and had lunch at White Turkey Drive-In (picture above bottom right two).  We had a delicious turkey sandwich, onion rings, and the root beer float. From there we drove on the scenic byway to Ashtabula.  We watched an unusual bridge raise up, the coal train cars, watched someone roast coffee, and went to a chocolate  shop that made all his chocolate.(ALL THOSE PICTURES WERE SADDLY DELETED SOMEHOW)  Then back to the scenic byway to, Geneva-on-the-lake.  It was a very busy touristy town.  We did like the  Geneva State Park on the other side of town.  After dinner I got the truck washed, we walked and played cards.

Sat. and Sun. All of the top pictures is at Conneaut Beach and Light House.  We went back to Ashtabula on Sunday to the farmers market. The middle four right pictures is the unusual bridge, conveyor belt that goes over the river and the coffee shop pictures that we deleted on Fri. They grind there own coffee! Bottom three left is us at the Walnut Beach in Ashtabula looking for glass rocks (glass from old ships that have come to shore).  Bottom right two pictures is the longest Covered bridge in the US.  2nd row left is 3 of Aunt Jill’s 5 children,her granddaughter Kim and great granddaughter. The picture was taken at my cousin’s Shirley home. Where we had a lovely dinner and visit with Shirley, Janie(another cousin and her husband Dave.  When we got home on Sun. we went on a bike ride then played miniature golf.  Finally after three times I got back to my usual swing.

Mon.  After our bible study we did the laundry, ate, then to the post office to get the mail.  We spent the rest of the day paying the bills.  We got the rig ready to leave, went on our last bike ride, and played miniature golf.

Tues.  We left for Niagara Falls N.Y. this morning.  As we got to the N.Y.  State line we stopped to get tickets for tours, we look at the dates and realized we were to leave Wed.  We tried again and again to call our campground but no answer.  Top right picture we traveled along a river as you can see it is moving very fast and the canal along the shore is still.  When we got here we found they had an emergency and were closed so we picked a spot.  After we got settled in we went to Beaver Island State Park here on Grand Island(bottom 2 left).  We were told about a sandwich and custard place so on the way home we got a roast beef sandwich with horse radish on a wic bun(special bun with rye and sea salt)  When we got home we had corn on the cob with our delicious sandwich and for dessert, a banana splits (bottom right).  We played cards Linda won again. 

Wed.  Linda woke up with a headache and not feeling good.  She still wanted to go to Buffalo NY.  Top left picture is bridge going to Canada and the next 2 some of the churches downtown. The middle pictures are the original Buffalo wings. Yes this is where buffalo wings got its start.  The pictures are taken in the restaurant, we got them to go and ate at the canalside.  The top right and bottom pictures taken from that area.  On the way home we stopped at Tim Horton’s for coffee.  

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Leaving OVU-Jefferson Ohio-Erie Pa.

Fri. After breakfast we did our laundry the to Williamstown to Da Vinci Italian Rest. for lunch.  We pasted Fenton Art Glass (top left)on the way.  We went to Marietta Ohio they were getting ready for boat races, craft show, and entertainment(middle left and bottom four pictures).  We walked to the chocolate store for desert then to the old courthouse(top four pictures on right).

Sat. After breakfast we spent the next five hours getting places to stay the next month.  After dinner I got the truck and rig ready to leave, we took a walk, watched a little TV.

Sun. After church we ate at Panera's, went shopping, and got fuel.  Relaxed then ate and went to church.  When we got home we cleaned and got the rig ready to pull out. 

Mon.  Top left pictures we finally saw a buck and got a good picture of the fawn.   Top right a bridge as we traveled.  We stopped at the Pro Football Hall of Fame in Canton Ohio.  With Linda and I not being avid football fans we both enjoyed seeing the hall of fame.  It was well presented with a lot of folks there we were not crowded.  It took football from the early years till what it is today.  The equipment how it has changed even the footballs are different.  The display of the Super Bowl rings was amazing.  We did see and read a lot and were there for three hours.  We know there was more we could have spent more time in like the Hall of Fame Gallery where each year that players were inducted into the hall had a bronze head of them(2nd row 3rd picture Jim Brown).  When we left there we came to Jefferson Ohio to a Thousand Trails park.  After we got settled in we took a bike ride played two holes of putt putt before the rain. 

Tues. After our bible study we drove to Erie Pa. The first thing Chick fil a, we dressed like a cow to get free breakfast which we were late for and got lunch instead. Top left 2pictures and the left one is with a 2 week calf.  We got our Starbuck’s coffee and went shopping.  We then drove downtown to the Bicentennial Tower and since it was cloudy and raining did not go up.  We saw the Victoria Princess(top 3rd picture) a paddle wheel boat and the Brig Niagara 1800’s war sail ship. Then to the amazing “Presque Isle State Park”.  It is free, the roads and bike path are great everything is clean.  It has many place to picnic, swim on Lake Erie, take ferry boats, volleyball, marina, fishing, and pontoon boat rides.  You can rent canoes, bikes, or seaways.  There are many walking trails.  2nd row 3rd picture is the light house which is open on weekends.  This is one of the best gems we have been to.  Also there is Waldameer Water World and an Evironmental Center.  You need to see the Center first for they tell of the island and thing to see on the island.  It has a tower you can see the amusment park and parts of the island.  When we left there we drove to Romolo Chocolates.  Again free samples cost me money.  You are able to watch them make the chocolates which they just finished before we got there.  We drove back downtown to a restaurant which was the first fire house.  We did not eat there because we went back to Chick fil a.   Bottom right is one of the many frogs in town. 

Wed. After our bible study we did laundry. After lunch my cousin Shirley came for the afternoon.  We talked about the past then had dinner.  After she went home Linda and I went for a walk then did a bible study together.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

OVU both sick

Fri.  I woke up still sick but a little better.  We went shopping, hair cuts, and laundry. After dinner to bed.

Sat. Enough is enough I went to the clinic and they gave me a z-pac.  I felt better so played card with the Sojourners.  The guys won two out of three.

Sun. Linda woke up with her bones hurting and had the chills.  She stayed home from both morning and evening church.  I thought I was better but as the day went on I knew  I was not.  After evening service I didn't even go for ice cream.  

Mon.  We both are a little better but we are staying here till we are both good.  We do not know how long it will take so we moved the rig off the parking lot to the rig lot (it was full when we got here and now there is 50 amp).  We did feel a little better so we played cards and the guys won again.

Tues.  Our sickness is in no big hurry to leave.  Just when we think we are better we get a set back.  I did get to change the heating element and anode rod in the water heater.  After dinner we played cards with the last two sojourners here.

Wed.  I Washed the rig and did it need it.

Thur. After we had breakfast we went and got a thermostat for the hot water heater.  After we installed it we went to a movie "Faith of Our Fathers" (sons that never knew there dads who died in Vietnam).  After dinner I washed the truck then relaxed. We are both so happy to be feeling better.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

2nd Week Ohio Valley University Sojourn

Thur.  After our meeting we all went back to work at the college.  Linda and the ladies painted five apartments.  Don and I went and got the supplies we need to finish the laundry room and kitchenette.
For dinner 19 of us went to Mary B's the to a park to listen to a band(top and 2nd row left picture below).  When we got home we walked and talked to some folks.

Fri. After our bible study we did laundry and went shopping.  We got our mail and after dinner we were to go to a park downtown for a outside singing.  The rain came and we had the event at one of the churches here in Parkersburg.  When we got home we walked.

Sat. We got up and picked up Bob and Lynn and drove to Cairo W.V.  As we drove into the town we saw the old bank which has been hit with a train car, flooded, and robbed twice.  The caretaker was called from the drugstore and he came and took us on a private tour. The rest of the top pictures are of the bank and bridge where the train ran.  We drove to Harrisville W.V. saw the courthouse (bottom left) went to the Historic RC Marshall Hardware Building (3rd row right 3 pictures). We also went to nation's oldest 5 & Dime store called Berdine's 5 &Dime. Bottom row right is a river in North Bend State Park.  Next to it a baby deer we saw at the campus.  We played cards after dinner.

Sun. After church we went to Chardar's for lunch.  Then after evening church we went to McDonald's for ice cream (it's great being a sojourner always eating).  When we got home we walked.

Mon.  Linda did some ore painting and I got the rough wiring finished.  The box built for the plumbing and wires and the cabinets screwed to the walls.  We had lunch at the school.  After dinner we played two different card games I won the first and Linda won the second.

Tues.  Every morning the Sojourner get together have a song we sing together, one of the men does the devo and another does the prayer.  Our leader tells us what has been done and what we have to do yet.  We are told what to do for the day.  They have coffee for us and lots of treats for morning break. We are supplied with all the bottle water we want to drink.  Linda did more painting on the dorms and Don and I got all the rough plumbing and elec.  done.  We put lights up and cut the sink out and did the plumbing for it.  When we got home from working it rained and rained.     We ate dinner then the all of us were invited for pecan pie and ice cream.

Wed.  I am getting sick.  I have a sore throat but my ear ache went away but now a headache.  Today is the day I give the devo and it went well.  Linda and the girls did more painting and I helped redo the elec. boxes for our rigs.  We got all the 30 amp. done, now we are putting two 50 amp. in the four boxes.  At lunch we all went and ate at the cafeteria because the elec. was turned off.  After church we went to Wendy’s for our free ice cream  and senior drink treat (there are advantages of being old).  

Thur.  I am still sick and this is the second day I went in the middle of the night to set in my chair to sleep. I worked little on the counter top. They are going to have a plumper and elec. come in and finish the wiring.  We had a half day so at lunch we were done (below left is the group on the sojourn  top right the counter top and the box I built for the elec. and plumbing they did not have the material for the face of the frame work and bottom the girls that did most of the painting). I went to bed and slept for four hours.  After dinner Linda went and played cards while I rested.