Thursday, July 2, 2015

2nd Week Ohio Valley University Sojourn

Thur.  After our meeting we all went back to work at the college.  Linda and the ladies painted five apartments.  Don and I went and got the supplies we need to finish the laundry room and kitchenette.
For dinner 19 of us went to Mary B's the to a park to listen to a band(top and 2nd row left picture below).  When we got home we walked and talked to some folks.

Fri. After our bible study we did laundry and went shopping.  We got our mail and after dinner we were to go to a park downtown for a outside singing.  The rain came and we had the event at one of the churches here in Parkersburg.  When we got home we walked.

Sat. We got up and picked up Bob and Lynn and drove to Cairo W.V.  As we drove into the town we saw the old bank which has been hit with a train car, flooded, and robbed twice.  The caretaker was called from the drugstore and he came and took us on a private tour. The rest of the top pictures are of the bank and bridge where the train ran.  We drove to Harrisville W.V. saw the courthouse (bottom left) went to the Historic RC Marshall Hardware Building (3rd row right 3 pictures). We also went to nation's oldest 5 & Dime store called Berdine's 5 &Dime. Bottom row right is a river in North Bend State Park.  Next to it a baby deer we saw at the campus.  We played cards after dinner.

Sun. After church we went to Chardar's for lunch.  Then after evening church we went to McDonald's for ice cream (it's great being a sojourner always eating).  When we got home we walked.

Mon.  Linda did some ore painting and I got the rough wiring finished.  The box built for the plumbing and wires and the cabinets screwed to the walls.  We had lunch at the school.  After dinner we played two different card games I won the first and Linda won the second.

Tues.  Every morning the Sojourner get together have a song we sing together, one of the men does the devo and another does the prayer.  Our leader tells us what has been done and what we have to do yet.  We are told what to do for the day.  They have coffee for us and lots of treats for morning break. We are supplied with all the bottle water we want to drink.  Linda did more painting on the dorms and Don and I got all the rough plumbing and elec.  done.  We put lights up and cut the sink out and did the plumbing for it.  When we got home from working it rained and rained.     We ate dinner then the all of us were invited for pecan pie and ice cream.

Wed.  I am getting sick.  I have a sore throat but my ear ache went away but now a headache.  Today is the day I give the devo and it went well.  Linda and the girls did more painting and I helped redo the elec. boxes for our rigs.  We got all the 30 amp. done, now we are putting two 50 amp. in the four boxes.  At lunch we all went and ate at the cafeteria because the elec. was turned off.  After church we went to Wendy’s for our free ice cream  and senior drink treat (there are advantages of being old).  

Thur.  I am still sick and this is the second day I went in the middle of the night to set in my chair to sleep. I worked little on the counter top. They are going to have a plumper and elec. come in and finish the wiring.  We had a half day so at lunch we were done (below left is the group on the sojourn  top right the counter top and the box I built for the elec. and plumbing they did not have the material for the face of the frame work and bottom the girls that did most of the painting). I went to bed and slept for four hours.  After dinner Linda went and played cards while I rested.

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