Thursday, July 9, 2015

OVU both sick

Fri.  I woke up still sick but a little better.  We went shopping, hair cuts, and laundry. After dinner to bed.

Sat. Enough is enough I went to the clinic and they gave me a z-pac.  I felt better so played card with the Sojourners.  The guys won two out of three.

Sun. Linda woke up with her bones hurting and had the chills.  She stayed home from both morning and evening church.  I thought I was better but as the day went on I knew  I was not.  After evening service I didn't even go for ice cream.  

Mon.  We both are a little better but we are staying here till we are both good.  We do not know how long it will take so we moved the rig off the parking lot to the rig lot (it was full when we got here and now there is 50 amp).  We did feel a little better so we played cards and the guys won again.

Tues.  Our sickness is in no big hurry to leave.  Just when we think we are better we get a set back.  I did get to change the heating element and anode rod in the water heater.  After dinner we played cards with the last two sojourners here.

Wed.  I Washed the rig and did it need it.

Thur. After we had breakfast we went and got a thermostat for the hot water heater.  After we installed it we went to a movie "Faith of Our Fathers" (sons that never knew there dads who died in Vietnam).  After dinner I washed the truck then relaxed. We are both so happy to be feeling better.

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