Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Shannon's-Charlotte NC museum-NEW RV & CAR

Thur.  We got our bikes out and went around the base campgrounds.  We pick-up ZZ from school then to Sha's.  Linda made dinner and we got to play with the kids.  Everyone played cards and later Al got home early so we could visit.

Fri.. We went to Camping World to look at motorhomes.  We found one we liked but needed a washer and dryer.  We looked on the internet and found some we liked better and they had washer and dryers.  We met Shannon and the kids at movie night.  They had events for the kids to do (ZZ and LiliMarie racing).  Diego helping with the snow cones and Shannon with the sodas.  We enjoyed the movie (Big Hero 6).

Sat.  We drove to Charlotte NC and went to the museum. As you can see they pet a snake, laid on a bed of nails, used a rope to pull themselves up in a chair,tug a war,made shoes out of duct tape, and moved a ball with you mind.  We went to the teen library where they dressed in front of a blue screen and played on the computer.  We walked to Wells Fargo museum.  On the way home we stopped at Fort Mill to a cupcake shop (featured on the food channel) and then to Starbucks.

Sun.  After church Shannon’s family came over.  I went swimming with the boys and Linda and Shannon stayed home.  We had pizza, ice cream and played cards. ?After they left we did the laundry.

Mon. We drove to Spartanburg SC to look at a motorhome.  We drove to NC to go to the bank and talk about what we saw.  They gave us a good deal so in two weeks we are buying a Winnebago Vista36y.  We got home we were mentally and physical exhausted. 

Tues. After bible study we called insurance companies,tag office (to find out our electric truck title had to be sent to us for we have to give them a hard copy to trade) and motorhome dealers.  We then drove to Honda here in Lexington and bought a 2014 Honda CRV.  The new ones have a new type transmission and cannot be 4 wheels down pulled(picture above).  We came home changed and went to Sha’s.  After dinner we went to Diego and LiliMaries open house at there school.  Then to a their yogurt and sub store.

Wed. What a day on both phones most of the day getting tag info correct and insurance for our new additions.  When we talked to Metlife they said because we did not have a physical address they could not insurer us.  So after being put on hold then they try to transfer us only to have the phone disconnect without the new number they transferred us to.  We were happy to get out of the rig and go to Honda to get our paperwork for the new car then church.  

Thursday, August 20, 2015

New motor-damaged runner board-trip to Columbia SC-Linda's Birthday

Thur.  Yea we just went to the garage and saw that they have the new motor in.  He now has to lower the cab hook up the wires, start it , and give it a test drive.  Linda cooked the most delicious salmon for dinner.  Afterward we played cards and watched a movie.

Fri.  We got up all excited about picking up our truck.  When we got there at 3 he said it was running fine and that he felt something in the front and was fixing it.  When we went back a 4:30 they said they wanted to have it run in the morning for 45 min. before we took it.  So back to the campground without the truck. Dinner and cards.

Sat.  What a big disappointment, no truck.  We went to pick up the truck at 9 and ask for the warranty.  Three hours later still no warranty.  They told us the motor would have 100,000 mile warranty, now they say one year unlimited miles.  We also found that the passenger side running board was damaged.  So now we will wait till Mon. to get some answers (pray for us).

Sun. We went to church this morning and afterwards we had a potluck dinner.  We then went to Starbucks and Walmart.  The church had a sing and devo at a nursing home then evening service at 4.  

Mon. Walk, breakfast, bible study, and laundry filled our morning time.  In the afternoon we talked to M&M and they are going to give us the serpentine belt to the motor and we are not going to worry about the dented running board.  So we got the truck put fuel in it and came home to get ready to leave tomorrow (HEA HEA HEA).

Tues. Up at 5:15, bible study and on the road at 6:16.  We traveled nine hours only six more to Shannon's.  We stopped at Buena Vista Va.  Very small town with lots of thrift shops and a few small mom and pop restaurants.

Wed.  We woke up early and got on the road.  We made it to West Lake campground at Fort Jackson at one.  After we got set up we got our hair cut, groceries, and Starbucks.  We then drove to meet Shannon and the kids at Red Robin.  We left there and went to a ice cream place that Shannon's family goes to.  The lady owner had everyone sing Happy Birthday to Linda and she was very red in the face.  tWe left thee and went to Shannon’s.  We got home around 9:30 both exhausted but Linda did have a Happy Birthday.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Waiting for truck motor-Bethel Woods-West Point

Thur.  Another day no motor.  Ford does not know if it has been shipped.  We did some calling to customer service and they helped all he could and gave us to regional manager.  He helped but still do not know if the motor has been shipped.  He was going to see what he could do in the morning and see if we could get a car to use.  I used the rubbing compound some more and waxed some more (stress release).  Linda did some cookie baking.  Gave three plates away to folks that have been helping us these last nine days.  We played card games, close but I finally won!!!

Fri.  Well John our regional manager called by nine but did not know when the motor will be shipped and by the end of the day was going to see if he could get us a car to use.  I finished one side of the rig only one more to go.  We paid some bills and played games.  We are enjoying walking in the mornings and our own bible studies in the afternoon.  After four M&M Ford came and picked us up, took us to the dealership and gave us a car to use till the truck is fixed. They had a lot of folks at the campground because of a concert at Woodstock.  At midnight they started a huge bonfire, and it was hot.  We watched it for an hour then to bed.

Sat.  It seems like a routine, walk, breakfast, and bible study.   I finished all I’m going to do on the outside of the rig.  I will say it does look new.  Linda spent the day looking for a church toward West Point.  We grilled chicken out on the grill.  After getting everything cleaned up we did the blog and called it an early night.

Sun.  We went to Church in Middletown.  They held services at Howard Johnson.  As we talked to the folks we found out that it is where we were going to the Sojourn before we both got sick at OVU.  After the service they took us to the new building.  They still have a lot to do but getting closer to getting the building occupancy permit.  When we left there we went straight to Starbuck’s (been well over 2wks).  Then to Walmart it is so nice to have wheels.  After dinner we played cards, did our bible study, then bed early.

Mon.  We did our laundry then to Bethel Woods which is known as Woodstock.  I remember them talking about Woodstock while in college but thought NY was too far away.  After touring the area I wish I had gone.  The building that had the museum started out with stuff that happened in the 60’s and how the country was changed.  Then it got into Aug. 15, 16, and 17th 1969 Woodstock (it got it’s name for the music company not the town).  The Woodstock music co. sponsored the event. They were hopping for 50,000 and got somewhere between 400,000 to 500,000 folks.  We both enjoyed the experience we had there.  We even got to dress like a rock star. The first picture is the grounds top right I’m standing where the stage was in 69.  Top left is the plaque for the event. Bottom right is the stage that they use today.  3rd top picture is where they have small events and movie nights. They keep the grounds beautiful.

The picture below is in the museum.

Wed.  What a great day. We saw our truck in shop getting worked on. Then Starbucks on the way to West Point.  We first went thru the museum (top right picture).Bottom 3rd picture is fat man atomic bomb case.  On Aug 6, 1945 bomb on Hiroshima which destroyed 60% of the city and killed 71,000.  Then three days later bomb on Nagasaki with similar results.  There were many other highlights you need to go and see for yourself.  After three hours we took a tour of West Point and the cemetery.  Right middle picture is old Chapel that the alumni moved piece by piece after they found they were going to destroy it for they needed the land it was on.  When we went to the cemetery (bottom right) the guide told us some of the stories of the folks there. One is Butterfield who wrote Taps is buried in this cemetery with a monument.  Middle picture is the Cadet Chapel, which has the worlds largest church organs 23,500 pipes.  Smallest pipe is size of pencil, largest a man can stand in it. the key board top 2nd picture.It has 879 keys.  It also features the stain glass windows which when replaced cost the same as it did when the first windows were replaced( company felt it was the least they could do for the school).  Bottom 2nd picture is part of the chain the George Washington used to put across the river to control the boat traffic on the river.  He knew that this was the most important part of the river because of the two bends in the river.  So he chose the west point (how the name was given) of the bend for the men and fort. The chain is at Trophy Point. There code of ethics is Duty Honor and Country (bottom left picture). There are 4500 Cadets in the 4yr program which is completely free but free has a price!  They must enroll in active duty 5yrs post grad.and the additional 3 yrs in reserves which is a total of 12 yrs. Many of our generals graduated from here like Grant, MacArthur(Which brought athletics to the Academy which mandatory for everyone to play a sport.  They can feed each class in 25mins!  They have grad many 3 star generals and I believe 2 of the 5 star generals grad from here.  

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Trucks needs new motor

Fri.  We are praising GOD for our truck.  It needs a new motor for the early 2011 trucks need a valve that breaks and causes the rods or valves to go through the motor.  We just turned 90,000 and it was warranted for 100,000!!  It would have cost $10,000 for motor and $2,500 to $3,000 for labor. The motor should be here by Wed. They have to remove the cab of the truck and so we told him we do a blog so he will take pictures of things and send them to us!!  We are praising God for this time we can slow down and get more into his word.

Sat.  After our walk, breakfast, and bible study I sanded and painted some of the rust spots on the rig.  Linda worked on our map box. Several times since we have been here folks have come up and talked to us an hour at a time.  We had time to do our own bible study and played games(Linda has been to much of a challenge I will have to get better quickly I don’t want it to go to her head).  The  owners of the park also volunteer at the fire dept.  They were have a parade downtown and these 7 seat bikes was one of their entries.

Sun.  We turned on the TV and watched three different sermons.  What a joy to see that what they were preaching about is what we have been studying ourselves (GOD IS SO GOOD).  After working on maps, touring stuff, and computers this afternoon we took a walk around the park talking to the owners and the other camper.  We tried to watch TV but nothing good was on so we watched a little of qubo(cartoons).

Mon.  One of the campers asked us on Sun. if we wanted to do our laundry. That was funny for we said we would have to hand wash undies and washcloths before we leave.  He said he was leaving between 7 and 8 so I got up early to fix coffee cake.  We went to the auto parts for rubbing compound  and grocery store for some things.  When we got home I compound and waxed the rear of the rig.  Linda did some organizing on our travel folder.   We played cards and Linda is still beating the sox off of me. We saw 4 deer tonight.
Tues.  After our walk, breakfast, and bible study I used rubbing compound and was on the front of the rig. Linda worked on the travel folder.   I cleaned the inside of the rig and played cards before dinner.  We did some reading after dinner then more cards. We did see one of the baby foxes that has been living under there non functioning pool!

Wed.  After breakfast we called Ford to see if our motor came in.  They said that they were trying to locate it yesterday and it did not come in today and when they heard something they would call.  What a let down we have turned it over to God and let it be on his time table not ours and that is hard.  I took my frustrations out on the rig and waxed some more.  Linda was so let down she cried most of the day.  We will see what tomorrow will bring.