Thursday, August 20, 2015

New motor-damaged runner board-trip to Columbia SC-Linda's Birthday

Thur.  Yea we just went to the garage and saw that they have the new motor in.  He now has to lower the cab hook up the wires, start it , and give it a test drive.  Linda cooked the most delicious salmon for dinner.  Afterward we played cards and watched a movie.

Fri.  We got up all excited about picking up our truck.  When we got there at 3 he said it was running fine and that he felt something in the front and was fixing it.  When we went back a 4:30 they said they wanted to have it run in the morning for 45 min. before we took it.  So back to the campground without the truck. Dinner and cards.

Sat.  What a big disappointment, no truck.  We went to pick up the truck at 9 and ask for the warranty.  Three hours later still no warranty.  They told us the motor would have 100,000 mile warranty, now they say one year unlimited miles.  We also found that the passenger side running board was damaged.  So now we will wait till Mon. to get some answers (pray for us).

Sun. We went to church this morning and afterwards we had a potluck dinner.  We then went to Starbucks and Walmart.  The church had a sing and devo at a nursing home then evening service at 4.  

Mon. Walk, breakfast, bible study, and laundry filled our morning time.  In the afternoon we talked to M&M and they are going to give us the serpentine belt to the motor and we are not going to worry about the dented running board.  So we got the truck put fuel in it and came home to get ready to leave tomorrow (HEA HEA HEA).

Tues. Up at 5:15, bible study and on the road at 6:16.  We traveled nine hours only six more to Shannon's.  We stopped at Buena Vista Va.  Very small town with lots of thrift shops and a few small mom and pop restaurants.

Wed.  We woke up early and got on the road.  We made it to West Lake campground at Fort Jackson at one.  After we got set up we got our hair cut, groceries, and Starbucks.  We then drove to meet Shannon and the kids at Red Robin.  We left there and went to a ice cream place that Shannon's family goes to.  The lady owner had everyone sing Happy Birthday to Linda and she was very red in the face.  tWe left thee and went to Shannon’s.  We got home around 9:30 both exhausted but Linda did have a Happy Birthday.

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