Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Trucks needs new motor

Fri.  We are praising GOD for our truck.  It needs a new motor for the early 2011 trucks need a valve that breaks and causes the rods or valves to go through the motor.  We just turned 90,000 and it was warranted for 100,000!!  It would have cost $10,000 for motor and $2,500 to $3,000 for labor. The motor should be here by Wed. They have to remove the cab of the truck and so we told him we do a blog so he will take pictures of things and send them to us!!  We are praising God for this time we can slow down and get more into his word.

Sat.  After our walk, breakfast, and bible study I sanded and painted some of the rust spots on the rig.  Linda worked on our map box. Several times since we have been here folks have come up and talked to us an hour at a time.  We had time to do our own bible study and played games(Linda has been to much of a challenge I will have to get better quickly I don’t want it to go to her head).  The  owners of the park also volunteer at the fire dept.  They were have a parade downtown and these 7 seat bikes was one of their entries.

Sun.  We turned on the TV and watched three different sermons.  What a joy to see that what they were preaching about is what we have been studying ourselves (GOD IS SO GOOD).  After working on maps, touring stuff, and computers this afternoon we took a walk around the park talking to the owners and the other camper.  We tried to watch TV but nothing good was on so we watched a little of qubo(cartoons).

Mon.  One of the campers asked us on Sun. if we wanted to do our laundry. That was funny for we said we would have to hand wash undies and washcloths before we leave.  He said he was leaving between 7 and 8 so I got up early to fix coffee cake.  We went to the auto parts for rubbing compound  and grocery store for some things.  When we got home I compound and waxed the rear of the rig.  Linda did some organizing on our travel folder.   We played cards and Linda is still beating the sox off of me. We saw 4 deer tonight.
Tues.  After our walk, breakfast, and bible study I used rubbing compound and was on the front of the rig. Linda worked on the travel folder.   I cleaned the inside of the rig and played cards before dinner.  We did some reading after dinner then more cards. We did see one of the baby foxes that has been living under there non functioning pool!

Wed.  After breakfast we called Ford to see if our motor came in.  They said that they were trying to locate it yesterday and it did not come in today and when they heard something they would call.  What a let down we have turned it over to God and let it be on his time table not ours and that is hard.  I took my frustrations out on the rig and waxed some more.  Linda was so let down she cried most of the day.  We will see what tomorrow will bring.

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