Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Ashville NC--Spartenburg SC

Thur.  We did our bible study then out to look at the beautiful fall colors.  We stopped by the visitors center and got some ideas to where to go. Below Jim and Lana playing cards on Wed. Linda and I at French Broad Chocolates.  We went to Grove Inn built 1913.  The rest of the pictures below are some of the trees.

We also went to two museums, Colburn Earth Science Museum and Western N.C. Nature Center (pictures below).  We had a great day visiting Asheville.

Fri.  We picked-up Jim and Lana and drove to Waynesville NC.   We had a great time walking around town going to the quaint shops.  We drove back to the house where they are house sitting .  We had eggplant parmesan a meal that we have when we get together.   We played cards and finally the guys won.

Sat.  What a fun day.  On the way to pick up Jim and Lana we saw the clouds in the mountains(top left two pictures below).  We drove to Bred Bakery in Weaverville. They had the biggest eclairs and we enjoyed it (yum yum)(top right and bottom left).  After lunch went to Fresh Market and they we re having there holiday taste day(Linda and Lana in line for the food taste).  We went back to the house and played cards(middle bottom picture).  Jim did not have any samples and he made home made pizza which was delicious(bottom right picture).

Sun.  After church  we went to the Perkins for cards and the best steaks ever .  Linda and Lana worked in the kitchen making homemade rolls, steak and potatoes. then had choc cake we had got from the bakery yesterday. Yum Yum! And I have had the best time winning at cards for three days straight.  I have never been that lucky getting so many good cards.

Mon. An other rainy day.  We drove to Camping World in Spartenburg SC to get our rig fixed.   He looked at the washer and found the problem and is ordering the part.  It was a small leak in a hose.  It may take 3 to 5 days if the part is in at the factory.  He said that in 18 years he has never seen this part go bad. Just our luck.

Tues.  We took a ride into town and watched "Woodlawn"  It was a wonderful movie about life in the 70's and a football team that broke the segregation barriers down.  The rest of the afternoon we relaxed around the rig.

Wed.  We drove to Croft State Park.  It was a community in the 1800 and 1900's.  During WW2 they used the land to train troops.  After the war it became a State Park.  While at the park we went to the campground, then went on a bike ride(pictures below).

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