Thursday, November 19, 2015

Leak Fixed--Heater Fixed

Thur.  What great news the parts to the rig are in Columbia so we got things ready to leave in the morning.  What we thought would take a few minutes(hooking up) took an hour.  We just are not sure if we are doing everything 100% right.  After calling some friends we fell a lot more confidante.  

Fri.  We got up at five to head to Camping World in Columbia.  They did have the part but we still do not have the heat going to the whole rig.   After feeling defeated we left and went to Sesquicentennial State Park, not to far from Shannon's. We then drove to Shannon's and had a nice time with Shannon and the kids.  We left and they watched scary movies on Friday the 13.  We tried the heater and after 15 min. we smelt something like melting crayons and then the heater stopped working(bummer)

Sat. Shannon and the boys came over and I played with the boys while Shannon and Linda had a girls day.  On their way home they got Lilimarie then Al got off work and was able to come also(what a nice surprise).  We were gathering wood and we saw a dead branch in the tree and ZZ challenged Diego to jump and break the branch.  We also played baseball and went on a bike ride around the park. It got cold but we built a fire and had s'mores anyway.  We had chilli cooking all day and Linda made hot chocolate for the kids and we had coffee.  We had a wonderful night and Lilimarie stayed the night.

Sun.  After church we got back to the rig then Shannon and the boys came over.  Lilimarie climbed the tree near the rig.  We had lunch then went to the ball diamond for baseball for the boys and softball for the girls.  We cooked sausages over the fire and cooked the veggies on it also.  It was a lot warmer and we all had a nice night.

Mon.  After getting a horrible start. (hooking up)  We drove to Camping World in Spartanburg.  After we got there they had a wonderful mechanic come and look at the propane heater.  After he could not find the problem he called Winnebago and we found that the return air duct had the pattern board still in it.  When we took the board out the air came in all the heater ducts!!!!Praise God!! We then got the rig set up for the night.

Tues.  Yea the washer is fixed it no longer leaks.  We put two large glasses of water down the soap dispense where it leaked to find we forgot to put the filter at the bottom of the washer (what a mess). After the repair man left Linda did three loads to make sure it was fixed.  We went shopping then to see a movie(Martian). 

Wed. It was time for linda to get all the laundry done.  She fixed a apple crisp and ice cream for the workers here for working so hard to fix our problems.

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