Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Clearmont Fl

Thur. Linda had two sleepless nights about my health insurance.  We were able to redo it and now we are both happy for the next year.   When we looked out our window we saw one of the many turtles(top left picture). 

Fri. We went to the Orlando Mall to a one to one Apple computer class.  We got a lot of questions answered and he was able to show us part of the number program.  We then went out to dinner then home.

Sat.  We finally made time to clean the windows on the car.  They had gotten very dirty as we traveled in the rain with it towed behind the rig(top right picture).  We also made time to go swimming.  I was able to play water volleyball for two hours.  While Linda exercised in the pool.  After a wonderful chicken dinner we went to the clubhouse and learned a new game (fast trac)  The girls won the first game and the guys won the second.  We then listened to a couple sing country music(bottom right picture).  

Sun.    After church we went shopping and Starbucks for a drink special.  When we got back to the rig we went up to the pool and I played pool volleyball again(bottom left picture).  I then did a lesson and Linda made dinner and we watched three christmas movies.

Mon.  After our bible study  I dumped the tanks and put on a new fresh water hose.  I ate lunch then went and did one more lesson.  We went to Starbuck's for there half price sale.  After dinner we watched TV.

Tues.  After our bible study this morning I took the bikes and waxed and oiled them(picture bottom left).  This afternoon we drove to town to pick up some Christmas gifts, have dinner, and pick up fuses for the car.

Wed.  I went to put the fuse extender into the Honda and got one side with no problems.  When I went to do the other side I pressed down and bent the tip which broke when I straighten it out.  So on our way to church we went to get a new part. Four stories later I found something that will work.  I was able to finish my last lesson today yea.

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