Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Eustis-St. Pete

Thur.  We got up early to go see the new Star Wars movie.  When we got there no one was around.  That's when we found out it is Thur. not Fri.  So to make the best of it we booked a one on one with Apple.  He did a great job he helped get our phone set and what he could not do he got an appointment for a tech later.  He also got a app. so we can get Linda's recipes on the internet.  From there we ate at Jason's Deli then went shopping.  It was a long day and so glad to get back to the rig.

Fri.  We got up on the right day today.  We went to see “Star Wars”.  We both enjoyed the movie but we had forgotten the other movies.  Not only did we get to see the movie free we got a soda and popcorn.  After the show we came back to the rig had lunch. Then we started to rake and use the blower to get rid of the leaves.  We made seven piles of leaves and only got one pile into the woods.  We had dinner then watched Christmas movies.

Sat. After breakfast I got all the piles of leaves cleaned up(pictures below).  We drove to town for a Starbucks and shopping.

Sun.  After church we went back to the rig. We got things ready for our trip to Dad's.  After Sunday night church we went looking at lights at Eustis and Mt. Dora. Pictures below.

Mon.   We drove to Dad's for the holidays.  We talked for awhile then watched some Christmas shows.  We planned tomorrow out and what we were going to do when we are here.

Tues.  We got up did a bible study then went to Skidder's for breakfast.  We then went to Home Depo and got some things for the house.  When we got back we put in the fan and a toilet(see 2nd picture below the top row).  Linda and I Went on a long bike ride (9 miles)to Dunkin Donuts only to find out it was closed because they were on water boil restriction.  On the way home we saw a wonderful sunset(see picture below).

Wed. After we got up we went to Skidder's for breakfast then did some shopping.  When we got home Put some lights in the kitchen then the fun began.  We rolled the sandies and dipped the peanut butter balls(see bottom picture above).   After lunch we played some cards.  Linda and I went on a walk around the condo's.  We watched another Christmas Show then had some of the "goodies" we made.

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