Thursday, January 28, 2016

CFBC Sojourn 3rd Week

Thur.  After our coffee in bed, bible study and breakfast we went to  devo.  The girls could not work for the camp was being used this week end.  My group ran out of material and worked on the drive through the shed(top two pictures below).  We could not use the eating area so we took break and lunch at the craft building.  The director of CFBC had all of the Sojourners for hamburgers and hot dogs over fifty of us.   Afterward we played pegs and jokers at Lloud and Dottie's with Jenny and Floyd.  The girls won the first three game and the guys finally won one.

Fri. Linda spoiled me again and made home made waffles. I helped one of the sojourner with a new fridge.  It rained most of the day and the driveway that we made settled and some washed away.  Linda helped with cooking food for the workshop.  We finally got our new glasses, found a bed spread with sham's, and I got a new watch.  We think my watch is over 10 years old so I think I got my money worth.  The bed spread looks great with the sham's.

Sat. Linda made eggs, grits, toast with pepper jelly, and bacon.  I put some glue on the outside carpets that we got.  We think that they will stay in place.  We took them to the farmers market and the man cut down the carpet to fit the steps.  We got some honey and a gift for Dad's birthday on Thur.  When we got home I worked on the steps.

Sun.  As we were leaving for church we had to get all the ice off the window(out of 50 cars ours was the only one with ice).As church was ending a couple of sojourners left early and I noticed they were sad.  Linda went out and found he was having chest pains.  We went with them to the hospital and found he was having a heart attack.  The say it was the widow's maker(which is the main heart artery).  His left artery was 100% blocked.  God had a plan and everything fell into place because he was going home to take a nap.  He had surgery and two stents were used.  After they got set in there ICU room we left and went home.  After P.M. church we went back to see how he was doing(bottom right picture was sun set on the way).  Everything was OK.

Mon. After our devo our group got the pans on the roof(it looks great).  Linda group cleaned the snack and craft rooms.  At lunch I finished putting the carpet on the steps.  After dinner Linda went to get a cake for one of the sojourners was having a birthday.  After we had cake we taught a couple how to play pegs and jokers(guys 2 girls 1).

Tues. We finished the shed.  I was making wooden cars for kids when Linda was yelling for me.  She just found out that Carol had a stroke.  We got things ready and left for Atlanta.   Seven hours later we were with Carol in her hospital room.  They were giving her test to see how bad the stroke was.  We met Betty and Fred there and later the three us came to Carol's for the night.  Linda Spent the night with Carol.

Wed.  I got up and made coffee for Betty and Fred.  On our way to the hospital we stopped by Atlanta Bread and Starbucks. We spent the day with Carol.  We played cards while Carol rested.  Linda and I came to Carol's we had our showers then back to the Hospital.   Betty and Fred left for Az. Amanda and the kids came to visit Carol.  Later Josh and  Ashley came.  After everyone went home I left to go to Carol's and Linda stayed again with Carol.They have done and echo and other scans but we still are trying to find the cause.  They are thinking possibly a clotting issue and they have taken a lot of labs to see if they can determine that.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

CFBC Second Week of Sojourn

Thur.  After our devo my group finished putting in the three poles for the shed.  We put a board on the barn.  Linda and her group cleaned more of the boys cabinsAfter dinner we played pegs and jokers.

Fri.  We had our coffee in bed watching GMA and Today show.  After breakfast and bible study we drove to Tampa for the RV show.  Just as we got there the clouds let go and the rain came.  We had packed a lunch so we ate in the car.  After we ate the rain stopped and the sun came out it was a lovely day and it was wonderful because the rain scared everyone away.  We went to many of the booths and got info on insurance and the sun screen for the windshield and front windows.  We looked at some new models and some of the models we were interested in last year.  We are still happy we got the rig we have. We left the show and went to Dad's in St Pete.  He was surprised for our visit.

Sat. We got up and went to Skidder's for breakfast.  Afterward we went to exchange the sheets Dad had gotten for us.  He was very persistent in getting them.  He called on Thur. to tell us about them when we said we wanted them he went to Macy's only to find out the sale started Fri.  Well on Fri. he went and the rain came.  He said that he just got his umbrella and got the Queen size sheets but we needed king size. When we got home we played cards(picture below).  Dad won one and Linda won one. We left and drove to the Villages to Steve and Cheryl's.  We had a nice dinner then played pegs and jokers.  This just is not my month the girls won two and guys won one.   We got back to the rig about 10:30.

Sun.  We ate did a devo then to church.  We got some groceries after church.   We did some cleaning and bills.  We went back to church.  We have enjoyed the sermons at Orange River C. of C. Phil Barnes is a wonderful speaker.  He is able to relate to everyone and uses great examples.  When we got home we had dinner and ice cream.

Mon.  I did the devo this morning at our meeting before working(see picture below). afterward Linda and the girls started to wash the chairs in the lunch room.  My group went and did some more work on the shed. We played pegs and jokers and the guys won 3 to 1

Tues.  After our meeting my group went and worked on the shed and Linda and her group clean some of the tables and in the afternoon she cleaned cabins.  We played  pegs and jokers guys won 2 to 1.

Wed.   After our cold morning in the 30's we had our devo then back to work.  After dinner we went to church.  The picture below is of the shed at the end of each day.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

CFBC 1st Week of Sojourning

Thur.  We worked on the rig and helped some of the sojourners get set up as they came in.  We played hand and foot and the guys were over 4000 points behind the last hand.

Fri.  Linda got up and made waffles with strawberries yum yum.  After our bible study I went and got a pressure washer.  I did the two tables near us and latter did one by the arts and craft building(top twp left pictures below).   We started doing the year end paper work and paid bills.  We took a walk and on the way back I stopped and helped Jack who was working at the zip line.  After dinner we played pegs and jokers which the guys finally won five to three.

Sat.  We went to Bob Evans for breakfast with two of the sojourners.  Then to the flea market to get carpet for the five steps for our rig(bottom and right picture above).  The rest of the day we did little things around the rig. We had two of the men for dinner that their wives are out of town.  Linda makes the best eggplant parmesan.  We then went and played hand and foot and again the girls won by over 4,000 points.

Sun.  We went to church.  We had a meeting telling us what all of us will be doing for the sojourn at CFBC.  After the meeting we went to church.

Mon.  Our first day at the sojourn.  We got up ate, did our Bible study, then to our devo.  I lead the opening prayer, we sang, had a speaker, and the closing prayer.  I along with two other guys went down to the zip line where we worked.  Linda and a big crew cleaned some of the girls cabins.  We had dinner then played pegs and jokers(girls 5 guys 0 a very bad night)

Tues. Linda was on the snack group today so I made my coffee cake for them.  We did our devo by the end of the day we dug five holes four feet deep.  I used the post hole digger first then the hand digger to finish.  I see that I am not as strong as last year when I used the post hole digger.  We taught a new couple how to play Pegs and Jokers.  The guys 2 girls 1.

Wed.  We worked on the zip line(bottom right picture above) and started building a shed(top right picture)  Linda and the girls finished the girl's cabins and started on the boys(middle picture).  The top left picture is our group at devo and bottom left is me getting ready for the cold morning. Before church 16 of us went to 5 guys for dinner. 

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

New Years 2016-CFBC

Thur.  After breakfast we got some notes on Dad's Drs. and meds.  We watched the FSU and Houston game.  We got Dad's stew ready(bottom middle picture).  While Linda made split pea soup from the Christmas ham.  The weather has been so nice we went down to his fire pit and had s'more's.  We had  Dad's stew that had been slow cooking all day long.  We played cards and the total for the two weeks is Linda 2 and Dad and I 2.  We will play the play off the next two days we only play two of the four hands each day.  As my Dad will say at 10:00 it is 12:00 somewhere.  So we tipped our glasses at 10:00 (bottom right picture) to welcome the New Year.  We all did manage to stay up till 11:00 then all of us went to bed.  I could not sleep so at 11:50 Linda and I got up to see the ball drop in NYC.  From Dad's window we could see the fireworks that were going off in downtown St. Petersburg.

Fri.  Welcome 2016.  My this be a blessed year to all of us.  We went to Skidder's for our breakfast.  Dad ordered one of his three favorite Ham and one pancake which they make him a Mickey pancake. Linda and I shared two pancakes, two eggs and two sausages.  And we all had coffee and water.  When we got home we played cards and so far Dad and I are ahead.  We watched the the Rose Bowl Parade then some football.  We eat here two more days and have plans for more dinners than we have days.  We will have to have them when we come back for Dad's 92 birthday.  For lunch we ate the split pea soup and corn bread. We took  a bike ride to Dunkin Donuts (9mi) had a cold drink and came home.  We played cards and Linda was the overall winner.

Sat.  We baked some cinnamon rolls for breakfast, did some laundry, then packed the car and put the bikes on the car.  After a wonderful two weeks we said goodbye and left for CFBC.  As we were coming to I75 and I275 the traffic came to a stop.  It took us an extra 1/2 hour to get home.  We took the bikes off and got everything out of the car.  Linda did a great job putting everything away.  It was nice to take our shower and go to bed.

Sun.  We got up and it was cold.  Turned the heat on got ready for church.  After church we went to Okewood BBQ and had there rib special.  Then to Walmart and met some Sojourners we have not seen for awhile and had a long talk.  When we got home we ordered some vit. then back to church which Mike and Kathleen came with us.  When we got back to camp we went to see there new unit and a visit to catch up on things.

Mon.   We did some things around the rig then went and visited several of the sojourners.  We went to Dottie and Lloyd's to play pegs and jokers(girls won 6 to 2).

Tues.  We ate did bible study then went to Wal-Mart to get eyes examined and ordered new glasses.  We went out to lunch then to meet our new primary Dr.  We had the oil changed in the car.  On the way home Linda had her hair cut.  We made it in time to play pegs and jokers with four other sojourner's(girls won 3 to 2 [Linda made me put this in]).

Wed.  We ate did bible study then to Apple for a computer class.  We went out to lunch then shopped at several places on the way home.  When we got home I put the two air filters in the car and we got our mail and went through it.  Payed a couple bills, had dinner, then church.