Wednesday, January 20, 2016

CFBC Second Week of Sojourn

Thur.  After our devo my group finished putting in the three poles for the shed.  We put a board on the barn.  Linda and her group cleaned more of the boys cabinsAfter dinner we played pegs and jokers.

Fri.  We had our coffee in bed watching GMA and Today show.  After breakfast and bible study we drove to Tampa for the RV show.  Just as we got there the clouds let go and the rain came.  We had packed a lunch so we ate in the car.  After we ate the rain stopped and the sun came out it was a lovely day and it was wonderful because the rain scared everyone away.  We went to many of the booths and got info on insurance and the sun screen for the windshield and front windows.  We looked at some new models and some of the models we were interested in last year.  We are still happy we got the rig we have. We left the show and went to Dad's in St Pete.  He was surprised for our visit.

Sat. We got up and went to Skidder's for breakfast.  Afterward we went to exchange the sheets Dad had gotten for us.  He was very persistent in getting them.  He called on Thur. to tell us about them when we said we wanted them he went to Macy's only to find out the sale started Fri.  Well on Fri. he went and the rain came.  He said that he just got his umbrella and got the Queen size sheets but we needed king size. When we got home we played cards(picture below).  Dad won one and Linda won one. We left and drove to the Villages to Steve and Cheryl's.  We had a nice dinner then played pegs and jokers.  This just is not my month the girls won two and guys won one.   We got back to the rig about 10:30.

Sun.  We ate did a devo then to church.  We got some groceries after church.   We did some cleaning and bills.  We went back to church.  We have enjoyed the sermons at Orange River C. of C. Phil Barnes is a wonderful speaker.  He is able to relate to everyone and uses great examples.  When we got home we had dinner and ice cream.

Mon.  I did the devo this morning at our meeting before working(see picture below). afterward Linda and the girls started to wash the chairs in the lunch room.  My group went and did some more work on the shed. We played pegs and jokers and the guys won 3 to 1

Tues.  After our meeting my group went and worked on the shed and Linda and her group clean some of the tables and in the afternoon she cleaned cabins.  We played  pegs and jokers guys won 2 to 1.

Wed.   After our cold morning in the 30's we had our devo then back to work.  After dinner we went to church.  The picture below is of the shed at the end of each day.

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