Wednesday, January 13, 2016

CFBC 1st Week of Sojourning

Thur.  We worked on the rig and helped some of the sojourners get set up as they came in.  We played hand and foot and the guys were over 4000 points behind the last hand.

Fri.  Linda got up and made waffles with strawberries yum yum.  After our bible study I went and got a pressure washer.  I did the two tables near us and latter did one by the arts and craft building(top twp left pictures below).   We started doing the year end paper work and paid bills.  We took a walk and on the way back I stopped and helped Jack who was working at the zip line.  After dinner we played pegs and jokers which the guys finally won five to three.

Sat.  We went to Bob Evans for breakfast with two of the sojourners.  Then to the flea market to get carpet for the five steps for our rig(bottom and right picture above).  The rest of the day we did little things around the rig. We had two of the men for dinner that their wives are out of town.  Linda makes the best eggplant parmesan.  We then went and played hand and foot and again the girls won by over 4,000 points.

Sun.  We went to church.  We had a meeting telling us what all of us will be doing for the sojourn at CFBC.  After the meeting we went to church.

Mon.  Our first day at the sojourn.  We got up ate, did our Bible study, then to our devo.  I lead the opening prayer, we sang, had a speaker, and the closing prayer.  I along with two other guys went down to the zip line where we worked.  Linda and a big crew cleaned some of the girls cabins.  We had dinner then played pegs and jokers(girls 5 guys 0 a very bad night)

Tues. Linda was on the snack group today so I made my coffee cake for them.  We did our devo by the end of the day we dug five holes four feet deep.  I used the post hole digger first then the hand digger to finish.  I see that I am not as strong as last year when I used the post hole digger.  We taught a new couple how to play Pegs and Jokers.  The guys 2 girls 1.

Wed.  We worked on the zip line(bottom right picture above) and started building a shed(top right picture)  Linda and the girls finished the girl's cabins and started on the boys(middle picture).  The top left picture is our group at devo and bottom left is me getting ready for the cold morning. Before church 16 of us went to 5 guys for dinner. 

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