Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Forest City Ia-York Ne-sojurn

Thur.  We got up and got the rig ready for our service person to pick it up at seven.  We then went on a walk around the area.  I found that I am not as quick on my feet as I use to be.  I tripped on the RR tracks and fell.  I was quick enough to roll so my arm and shoulder which are sore.  Linda said it was like a scene out of a movie.   We then walked up town.  As we walked we came to Sally's restaurant which makes homemade pies.  We got two pieces of rhubarb and one coconut cream.  They did not sell them till 10:30 so we got there 10:38 and all but two pieces were sold of the rhubarb.  We only got two blocks before were stopped at a park and ate one.  This afternoon at three they finished a lot of our list of things we wanted done.  The leak in the washer and dryer area they thought they fixed leaked when Linda and I took our showers it was still leaking.  They are going to see if they can fix it tomorrow.  Below is our rig before it was picked up for repair.   The rest is the courthouse, a bike park where they had six different art work of sculptures created by bike parts, and of course Linda's flowers.

 Fri.  They came and got the rig to see if they could find the leak.  We sat and watched TV for awhile. We went on a walk to the courthouse when they called and said the rig was done.  When we walked back to the service center it was lunch time.  Linda went to the store and I to the dump.  When we got back our service person came and we went through everything he did.  We paid for our service that was not under warranty.  We started driving and before yu knew it we were at York College in York Ne. We pasted many elec. wind mills and the water tower a York(see pictures below).

Sat.  We went to a lecture at the College sponsored by the Sojourners that just got done with there workshop.  I worked on getting the hoses tighten around the water filter.  We played cards at night.

Sun. The church was two blocks from the school so we walked.  Afterwards we went to the Iron Skillet for lunch.  The Salmon was good but we did not care for the veggies.  We got back to the school and had our meeting.  Then John the team leader took several of us on a tour of the campus.  The sojourners had there evening church service in the chapel just 20 steps from our rig.  That is also the tornado shelter we will meet in if needed.  After our church service they have a group here of retired alumni and they invited us to there opening night dinner and get together.

Mon.  We started our Sojourn at York College.  They had a breakfast for us, afterward we had a bible study, meeting telling everyone where we were working, changed clothes, then Linda and I started painting along with others, some of the boys suites.  We had 1 1/2  hours for lunch which they supplied.  After work we took showers then went to Ace to get plumbing parts for the water filter.  After dinner we played cards.  As we got ready for bed we had our first encounter with hail.  They were the size of a pea, but made us just a little. scared.  There was a lot of rain and wind along with the hail but thankfully no damage.

Tues.  After breakfast and our devo I went to bed I think it was the allergy's in the air.  After lunch we went back to painting.  We had dinner then we played cards.

Wed. We both did so more painting(see pictures above).  We went to church then both exhausted to bed.

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