Wednesday, June 1, 2016

2nd week at Yoek Ne.- Memorial Day

Thru. After our demo Linda and I started to paint again.  She is doing the trim near the floor.  I am  rolling on the paint.  We got one and a half units done then we got pulled to do a office.  Again Linda and an other lady are doing the bottom trim and I am doing the top and another person is rolling.  We got one small office done and started the big common area.

Fri.  This is not a normal work day,  since Mon. is  Memorial Day we are working today.  Linda and I did some painting.  Linda has the hard task of painting the registers.  After dinner we went to the Round up group that has been here all week and watched there talent show.

Sat. This is our day off.  The staff at York is not paid as well as other colleges so the sojourners try to find a person in need.  We went to the librarian house and took off the wood and put up siding.  Linda painted.  that night we watched a movie.

Sun we went to church then to lunch out.  We came home relaxed the evening church and cards.  While we were playing cards there was pea size hail(bottom right above picture).  Below are some pictures of York College campus.

Mon.  We went back to finish painting and siding.  We relaxed then at 5 we had a pot luck and cards.

Tues.  We went back to the offices and were able to finish that project.  We had dinner then played cards.

Wed.  We started a new painting project on one of the big meeting rooms.  Linda and I put three colors on the walls that they had picked out.  Two of them needed two coats.   We had our team picture before church.  We went right to bed both of us were very tired.

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