Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Third week at York College

Thur.  This Sojourn has been great.  The school has a chef and since we are the only ones here he cooks for us.  For breakfast he has made pancakes, omelets, eggs(and way we want them) and more.  For lunches he has made chicken cordon bleu, stir-fry, and more.  We got the meeting room painted and worked a little on the dorms again.  All the sojourners drove to the president of York College home(top left picture). Linda took some pictures of the flowers in their garden(rest of the pictures below).  We had dinner and fellowship afterwards.  When we got back to the college we played cards.

Fri. We got up and drove to Omaha, Ne.  After visiting the welcome center we walked to some of the statues they have in town.  Top left is a very tall boy.  The rest of the statues is a series of them.  It had a wagon train with folks doing different things on the wagon trail.  The wagon train scared the buffalo which scared the birds in the pond. The birds were over a two block area.

We had lunch ate "J's on Jackson".  We got their bacon-peanutbutter hamburger(middle left).  We drove to Lauritzen Gardens(top first three pictures)Botanical Gardens.  You can see their large green house and flowers in the pond. Across there parking lot is Kennewick Park (bottom right picture)where two of the greatest locomotives.  Big Boy (left in picture is 1 of 25 ever built) at the time most powerful (7000 hours power top speed 70 MPH), heaviest(1.25 million pounds), and longest steam locomotive. It logged 829,295 miles.  The Centennial a single-unit with two diesel motors, had nearly 2 million miles and could go 85 MPH with more weight. We went to the Omaha's Union Station.  Now a museum they have statues of the former way of life.  With the different setting they have recordings of what might have been said(second picture below).  The 3 middle row pictures on right is the ice cream shop we went to "Ted and Wally's". We had a double dip with cinnamon raisin coffee cake and green onion cream cheese.  Linda went into the Old Market Candy Shop. We then drove to Lewis and Clark Historic Trail.  As we got there they started a movie telling about them.  We then walked the grounds which they had plants that was recorded by the two of them. Bottom left picture is of the grounds and the Bob Kerrey Pedestrian Bridge. The 3,000 foot long walkway(1.2 miles) starts here at Lewis and Clark Historical Trail and other end is at Council Bluffs Iowa. After we got home we ate and played cards.

Sat. After breakfast and bible study I washed the car and Linda started to get our next destinations ready.  After lunch we went with some friends to the York Museum.  They had things from the 1800''s to 1900's.  We then went to a marble museum which had over a million marbles.  Some with uranium which glowed with a black light.  They had some with logo's on them.  He even got some from a marble plant that had thrown the disfigured marbles in the dirt.We went to a mexican restaurant for dinner then came back and played cards.

Sun.  Bill, Ellen(sojourners), Linda and I drove to Lincoln Ne. for the day.  We first went to church then to the Capitol Building(top left) which is one of the most beautiful capitols.  2nd picture is the senate chamber.  The top right  is the door to the House chambers that Ne did away with during the depression.  They are the only state that has one chamber.  3rd top is Buffalo Bill who is born in Ne.  They had many folks displayed that helped form Ne. history.  2nd row left is the Ne. Supreme Court. They had a guided tour of the building which was awesome, then we went to the top of the building.  The view was fantastic. We drove to a International Quilt Museum which houses 3,500 quilts but only displays 50 at a time. More that 25 countries are represented(2 row 3rd picture to bottom row 3rd picture).  As you can see they have different types of quilts.  Before we left town we went to the Dairy Store on University of Nebraska east campus and had ice cream(bottom right).  When we got back to York we went to church then went to bed early. 

Mon.  We got up had our coffee in bed watching the today show.  Did our bible study then to the cafeteria  for breakfast and group deco at 7:30.  John and I worked on putting windows in the class room doors.  We went to three locations and got eight of them done.  At the close of the work day we put one of the windows on the bottom of the door.Yikes!  I washed part of the rig before dinner.  After dinner we played cards.

Tues.  I lead a prayer for devo this morning. John and I put in eight more windows this morning.  After we got done I started painting.  Linda has not stopped painting since she got here.  Before dinner  I washed the front of the rig.  After dinner more cards.

Wed.  I lead the devo this morning on the biblical heart.  We painted again today, after lunch we finished washing the rig. After work I cleaned inside of rig, checked the tires, and Honda.  Linda went to the grocery store. We've been spoiled with being fed two BIG meals every day for 3 weeks!!  We had dinner then to church. WE came home and I put the bikes on the car.

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