Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Los Angles Ca.

Thur. We drove to Los Angles. As we got to Hollywood and parked the car.  We walked around Hollywood Blvd.  The stars go for blocks and blocks on both sides of the street. In Front of Chinese theater(picture right side) we find stars putting there hand and foot prints in the sidewalk(below Chinese Theater).  Top right is the steps Dolby Theater (formerly Kodak)on each side they have the winners of the best picture from when they started the awards till now. When the Oscars awards are given they have a red carpet from the street to the theatre. Bottom right is out  side Madame Tussauds where you can capture your Hollywood Moment.  Bottom left one of the murals in town.

We went on a bus tour which took us  to many sights in Hollywood.  Top left the first theater next to it one of the picture studios, 3rd picture one of the recording studios,  2 pictures on top right place that were used for films Sister Act and Ghost Busters.  As we went past many stars homes bottom left on top is house you see the window of home behind it is Justin Beavers. 2nd picture is home Michael Jackson died in. 4th bottom picture on Rodeo Drive, the dress shop where Pretty Women was not welcome.  Bottom right picture Rolls Royce with its own yellow parking meter.  We enjoyed our trip going to Mulholland Drive, Hollywood sign Sunset Strip, Melrose, Beverly Hills, Bel Air, Rodeo Drive, and movie stars homes.

Now what I thought was the best part of Los Angles and it was free.  Forest Lawn Memorial Park. They have what they call there Trilogy Collection.  Middle picture is the stain glass of Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper. Bottom middle picture is the resurrection 50 by 80 feet.  Bottom right is the crucifixion which is 45 by 195 feet.  Till you see it you can’t fathom the size of these pictures.They have video presentation with each.  The grounds is 300 landscaped beautiful acres with collection of marble statuary that reflect s some of the worlds greatest art,and a collection of stain-glass windows.  Dr. Hubert Eaton had them made or refinished and made a building to show them in.

Fri.  We took a morning walk then fried bacon, potatoes, onions, and eggs on the outside grill.  We drove to a honey place and tasted around 10 different types(top left picture below).  We were in a valley so it was nice to see trees and scrubs.  We stopped at Starbucks and enjoyed a smores bar and coffee. When we got home we grilled chicken and salmon.  

Sat.  We got up and took a walk and later went to town for they had a person at the grocery story grilling but decided to have the cook out at the campground.  We got a hot dog, hamburger, potato salad, bake beans, large piece of apple pie, ice cream and drink for $4!!!(top middle). It was so much we had part for lunch and dinner.  The apple pie we had two other nights.  We took the ice cream and had root beer floats.  We got the rig ready to leave.

Sun.  We got up early had a cup of coffee and our bible study.  As we left we stopped for gas which we had trouble and it took a hour to get 35 gal.  We drove to Santa Barbara(top right picture notice the motorhomes on the ocean) and got another 35 gal. As we left there we started into the mountains.  They were so steep I drove 30 to 35 MPH up and down very windy no guardrails!. (This is on the NEVER to do place ) I remember following folks that went slow up and down the mountains and could not figure out why they were so slow.  We got here and got set up two hours latter than we planned.  We took a walk and saw this turkey and woodpecker. The pictures below shows the stone lodge and family center. 

As we continue on our walk we saw the horses and look at the mountains behind the horses.  The NW side no trees and the SE side  has trees and scrubs.  They have had a six year drought.  As we walked on they have different places for folks to sleep(bottom three pictures). When we got back and played card and board games.  

Mon. July 4th.  Have a wonderful birthday America.  We got up and Linda made french toast and our bible study.  We went on a walk and stopped to play putt putt.  We came back and played four different games.  Linda won 3 out of 4. I did 4 out of 4 in the afternoon.

Tues.  We got up and drove to Solvang.  It is a Little Denmark in Ca.  They have four bakery's and we went to all four.  Bottom right is  Aebleskiver with raspberry jam and powered sugar (round ball pancakes) yummy.  Top right is one of the danish we ate with coffee.  Top middle is the little mermaid(we saw the real one in Denmark last year).

From here we went to Lompoc.  Top left is the grape vines, I was amazed the rows were so thin.  Top right they were picking broccoli.  The town is known for it's murals and flowers.  Top Middle are Italian Stone Pines(largest grove outside the Mediterranean) which were planted by mistake in 1940 and are now worth 3 million. When we drove home we ate dinner and played games again.

Wed. On Next week no internet

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