Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Santa Barber-Hearst Castle-Monteerey Bay-Morgan Hill Ca.

Wed.  We got up ate, did our bible study, and started to drive to President Reagan Library.  As we stopped at the beach in Santa Barber we decided to see this area instead.  Our first stop the welcome center.  We drove to the courthouse for the guided tour. When we got there we went up the 85 foot tower to enjoy the views.  Top left the courthouse which is earthquake proof and was built in 1929 without wood.  Most of the walls hollow built with lave and mortar.  Middle right picture inside the clock tower. Middle top shows the arch between the courthouse and jail. Bottom left the lawyers entrance which has a small door to humble the lawyers.

As we drove around we found a Sojourner cafe(2nd row left) and  Crushcakes and Cafe(bottom left picture).  We went to Reagan Ranch Center(top left).  Top right his chair he used at the ranch to read and conduct his Presidents speeches while at the ranch. Middle top picture is a piece of the Berlin wall which in his speech there he said “Mr. Gorivachev tear down this wall. Bottom right is a picture of the ranch a two bedroom home which they have their bedroom and 2nd bedroom for their cook(Nancy did not cook). Bottom middle two pictures the second largest fig tree in US.

The flowers below are in Alice Keck Park Memorial Gardens. A 4.5 acre botanical gardens.  They had a pond and 10 speakers which told about the flowers and trees in that area. 

Thur.  We got up did a bible study and hit the road.  We drove over 200 miles the last 50 were the worst.  It took over 1 1/2 hours.  We got to the campground got set up and ate lunch.  I took a nap and Linda made plans for Sat.  We played games,  grilled a salmon dinner, and took a bike ride.

Fri.  We got up and drove to Hearst Castle.  We went to the welcome center and they drove us up to the castle.  It is so hard to describe the beauty and splender of the castle.  The middle is the main castle the two towers are filled with water that they had piped in when it was built and is still used today. The top left is the outside pool which is going to take two more years to refinish. They worked two years already.  The top middle two pictures are of the ceiling of the rooms which he bought from European churches in the early 1900's.  Top right is the big dinning room where his guests would have dinner with everyone that came as his guest. Middle right is the billiard and pool room.  Bottom right is the room the guest would come before dinner and have drinks and appetizers.  Bottom left is the indoor swimming pool with the tennis courts above it(2nd bottom picture). The 3rd bottom picture is one of the three guest houses.  The castle has 115 rooms which 50 rooms are in the main house. It was not finished and took from 1919 to 1947 when ill health forced him to abandon the project.

When we left the castle we drove up Rt 1.  Top let a lighthouse the rest are coves, bridges on the windee roads, tunnels and trees.

As we got close to Monterey Bay we drove on Pebble Beaches 17 mile road.  It gave us a good overview of the area.  We stopped at the club house and saw some of the golf holes and trophies that have been given out over the years for different tournaments.  Top right there is four seals on the rocks.  The middle is a pictures of the trees and the ocean.  Bottom right Pacific Grove as we drove down the main street and the picture above it is Monterey Bay. We also went to Carmel by the Sea. We drove home by many fields of produce.

Sun We got up and went to church then out to eat.  We did some shopping and drove around town.  We went home then back to church.

Mon.  We drove to Morgan Hill to a Thousand Trails and met our sojourning friends, Richard and Shirley Hames.  We got set up then had a nice visit with them.  We went out to dinner then came home and went to bed.Best thing is Linda got her homemade bread pudding there!!!  We have no TV service but do have internet.

Tues.  We went to get on the blog and our computer was blank.  We called Apple and they could not get it working so we got an appointment in San Jose.  They were going to Camping World so we went along.  Later the Hames drove us to the mall and the Apple folks looked at the computer and are sending it off to be fixed.  We are hopping that the pictures of this month have not been erased.  We left the mall and went to a great hamburger place.  We got home and went to bed.

Wed.  Since we are  using the Hames computer the blog will be put on hold till we got our computer back.  We are going to Yosemite for four days starting Fri.  When we got back we hope the computer is fixed.  There is no TV service or Phone service there.  We will be going to church tonight in San Joes.

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