Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Branson Mo.

Thur 9/29 After going up and down  many mountain we arrived at Branson Mo. 
We Got set up and met many folks here at the Heartland Rally, 
Lin made a carrot dish and we joined the group for a fish fry and pot luck.
After the rally we got a call from my Dad saying that my Mom got home from the Hospital.
Fri. 9/30 We got our mail this morning and will start our plans for Marshall Tx for the Sojourners
in two weeks. We drove the loop in Branson and saw most of the entertainment places.  We stopped at Branson Landings and walked around.
watershow to music in the center of outside mall

We had finger snacks the next night.  They started a fire and we just sat around talked and ate.
Sat. 10/1 We were told about a college in the mountains so we went to see it.  College of the Ozark also called Hard Work U. The campus was well laid out.  The students work 15 hour a week and one 40 hr.week in a semester. They leave not owing anything.  They raise cows and pigs.  Milk the cows for milk and cream and butter. They grind the flour  and raise there own veg. They have a wonderful restaurant that they have open to the public which they use all the ingred and livestock to supply the restaurant.  We ate there.  Totally awesome.  They make there own fruitcake and jams and sell them and ship them all over..  They have many water falls and spectacular views. 

We left there and went to the Table Rock Lake Dam. Then back for the last night of the rally for pot luck dinner.
Sun. 10/2 We left the park and went to church on the way to the new campgrounds we staying at.  We went back to the dam and fishery at the dam.  Went to get hair cuts and back to do laundry.

10/3 Mon. Today we went back to College of the Ozark.  We met up with Terry and Karen Jones some friends from the rally. The fruit cake kitchen was open so we toured it and had some samples. Took in the view from the lookout point and went thru the Ralph Foster Museum.  We said our good bys and went to the Table Rock State Park where we did our bible study overlooking the lake.
Beverly Hillbilly Truck

 View at Table Rock State Park

Tues. 10/4 We made it to North Little Rock Ak.  Walked the longest walking bridge spanning the Ak. river, 4,226 ft. long and 65 ft. high called The Big Dam Bridge. It  was a old RR crossing. It lead to the Clinton Libarary.

Clinton Libarary

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