Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Sojourney week two

10/13 Thur. After our morning classes we took the 5th wheeler to Longview to Hayes RV to check out the leaks. We had lunch at Jasons Deli and after a week Linda got her Starbuck Coffee. They found two leaks (praise the Lord) they fixed them and we got back before 5.  We ate and went to fun night.
10/14 Fri.  I went to a electric class all day. Then our area of the camp had a pot luck get to gether.Then we went up to the building called honeycone and played cards(close game girls won).
10/15 Sat. We drove to Tyler Tx. to the Texas Rose Festival Queen's Tea. They have a Rose Queen and her court each with an escourt.  About 100 folks in all. They have colorful costumes desiged by a New York designer for all the dresses it cost about quarter of millon dollars. The tea is at the rose garden that has about 3500 roses about 500 types.Tyler is the third biggest suppler of roses in in the states. The fragance of the roses was awsome.

10/16 Sun. We went to church then with a group went to a catfish place(we ate way to much).  At night we went  to westside church. Boy do they sing loud it was exiciting to be there.
10/17 Mon. We went to our classes then to Jucy's  again before our singing at night.
10/18 Tues. Had our classes then a banquet for all the sojourners.  We had a preacher come from near by and he sang country songs and played the guitar.Another awesome meal.
10/19 Wed.  This is the last day of classes for we are leaving Thur for Nashville.  Hope to be there Fri night. We are truly going to miss leaving this place.  It was an awesome experience and were ready to

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