Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Sojourners in Marshall tx.

10/6 Thurs. we traveled to Jefferson Tx. It was the second largest town in Tx. at one time. With the heavy traffic on the river and the train coming to town. It looks like a town frozen in time with the old buildings which have been restored and look in great shape. in mid 1800's was river transporation of the region.

                       Jefferson general store 5cent coffee and root bear float with choc. syrup in it

10/7 Fri. We went  to CVS to get Linda's pills only to find out that they have been discontinued.  This makes since now why we have had a hard time getting her pills.Now needing to fine Dr. before 5 weeks. 
10/8 Sat. we got up to find our 5th wheel was dripping water on the under belly.  We got a hold of some of the sojourners here and they think it is a overflow from the shower.  I had not opened the valve and it overflowed. Linda packed a picnic lunch and we went for a walked in their woods across from our 5th wheel.  This place goes and goes.  Got hot in the 90's.
10/9 Sun.  After church we looked at the leakes and they still are leaking but not as fast.  We had a afternoon tea where we had a chance to meet folks and have lots of cookies, punch, and coffee.  Tonight we went to a different C of C.  The folks were very nice and do they put alot of effort in there singing.  We both liked it.  Stopped by Wendy's for frosty and chicken wrap on the way home.
10/10 Mon.We went to our classes at Sojourners then went to" Jucy's"a special hamburger place with free drinks and fries(only on mon.). We had a sing along that night. Water problem seems to be drying.
10/11 Tues. Linda made me banana pancakes for my birthday then to classes.  After classes we went to lunch at Cici's pizza Tues special 2 dollers off. Went back to two afternoon classes then to new members banquet.  Great dinner,games, and fellowship. the theme was country.

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