Wednesday, February 29, 2012


2/23/12 After our morning session we went with two couples to Subway then to Don Garlits Museum of Drag Racing.

After we left there we meet 7 folks at Oakwood Smokehouse for another fine dinner.  Fri. we went with Bryce to his Dr. appointment.  He was great they took out one stitch and said the other two would come out on there own.  Then he wanted to go to Wendy's for lunch. Linda and I went to verzion and shopping. After dinner at Tams we had the three kids come spend the night. We had popcorn, Italian ice, and watched half of cars II.

In the morning Linda and Hope made pancakes.   We watched the second half of the movie. We went on a bible scavenger hunt, swung on the swings, balanced on a wire,  climbed a rope wall, went on a walk, found hot coals from a camp fire and made smores.  Then came home for a picnic, fed the fish our bread crumbs, another scavenger hunt, colored plates and glued our things they found on the plates.

Kenn was here for a men's retreat and he took the kids home.  We got ready and Kenn and Tam took us out to dinner. We went to the Seasons 52 for a great dinner and evening. Afterward we went to Starbucks.

Sun. we went to church  and started getting ready our taxes.  We have appt. on Fri.. Mon. Tues and Wed was our first days to sojourn and we helped in many ways tearing down old fences, building benches and shelves, sweeping, cleaning and painting. Tues. night we played hand and foot with some sojourns.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


On Thur. I was asked to do a devo.  There has been alot of things I have been able to do way outside my box or comfort zone.

That night we found out that Diane(In Minnesota who had a brain bleed 2 wks ago) was going to have to have a burr hole to relieve the pressure on the brain.  It was to be Fri. at 1 pm.  We were able to get Linda tickets for Fri. she would be there before the surgery.  Then we got a call saying they could not wait and did the surgery around midnight .. Fri. Linda flew to Mn. where she came in the same time as her brother, Mike.  She was able to be with Diane at the hospital until she came home on Tues. night. On Fri night Tam had me for dinner because Linda sister Carol her daughter Amanda and her daughter Heidi were coming from Ga.

 On Sat I finished washing and waxing the 5th wheel. I am so glad that Tam gave me left overs the night before. Sunday after church a group of us went to a barbeque's place.  I got a full rack of ribs and had left overs for the next day. Then Sunday night I took dinner over to Miki Weaver and her mohter for at the end of the week Jerry had gone on to be with the Lord. Monday we had classes then we started games.  I won the bongo game and was in the championship for horseshoes and bean bag toss.  On Tues we (Don a friend I met at camp from Canton Ohio) won the bean bag toss. Don was the person that I played Horseshoes with and he won that. Then that night we had a primerib banquet w here the food, singing, and fellowship was great.

Wed. it was nice having Linda home. We had her prime rib for dinner. Then church where we are gong to a mens and ladies classes.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


On Thur.we left for Tam n Kenns to babysit the kids for the week end.  They were going to San Francisco. After getting them off early Fri. we made pancakes before school. After school we had meals brought in yum yum. We put large puzzles together and Hope made flowers out of play doe.  Sat we got up and went to Ormond Beach for Hopes Bible Bowl.  She did well coming in 10th place in written and there team took first in the quiz part.( Its done just like Jeopardy). We watched a movie and had popcorn that night. Sunday after church we went to Spring Village Park and went to alot of neat little shops and then to the park across the street. The tree ( in the photo) is in the middle of the park. After we got home the kids made welcome home signs for Tam and Kenn.  Monday took the kids to school then to the dentist for two fillings and my rooot canal filled. Brendan had a baseball practice which I helped at.  Dinner, packed the truck, and picked up Tam and Kenn then went back to the 5th wheel.

After breakfast we went to our first day at camp. Then the ladies had a tea party.  They brought there tea cups and they wore hats.

In the afternoon we went to the zip line.  We both enjoyed it so much that we did it three times.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

OUCH Root Canel, Bryce's finger, and Dianes fall

Thur. morning we went to the dentist near Tam. and he did a root canal.  I was very lucky I have not had much pain and it did not hurt that bad.  After that we picked up Tam and went out to lunch at Paneras. What a surprise to hear my name called and to see Kevin Wrobolski.  He is the manager there.  After lunch we pick up Bryce, Hope and Brendan and took them to our time share for the night.  We had a great time.We went swimming many times Fri. night we made pizza,had a bubblebath watched a movie. Sat. more swimming, the boys and I played sonuko, we played bingo where Hope and Brendan won 2 of the 5 games, went to see a 3 foot alligator, played at play ground and shuffleboard.  Then Linda and Hope went to crafts and she colored a back pac.

Then just as we were going to bed Tammy called and said that someone shut the door on  Bryce's finger and the top of the pinky came off.  As we were comming to Tams Lins niece called and told us that Diane fell and hit her head and she was in icu with bleeding in the head. Sat. I got up packed the apt. went to the 5th wheel unpacked and then packed to go to Tams for the weekend while Bryce was in the hosiptal. Lin spent the night with the kids and I picked them up and we went to see Bryce after his sugery. They shaved his bone then pulled the skin over it.  He will not have a finger nail on his little  finger. On the way home we stopped by chick-fill-a. Sunday what a great day. There was a chile cook off at Tams church then we found out that Bryce and Diane are home from the hospital. On the way home from church we stopped and got gifts for Bryces home coming and poster board for the kids to welcome home Bryce.  Also Hope wanted to have a Super Bowl Party.  She planned out what to have and cooked everything.  We left after half time to come back to the 5th wheel.

Mon.and Tues. was a day to rest neither one of us felt good. Wed. we are feeling better and took a trip to Mt. Dora.  It is a nice little town but we were still weak so we came home made blt's and rested the rest of the day. We skyped Diane today and saw her black eye and saw how well  see is looking.  She will have a ct scan in a couple weeks and we are praying for a good report.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Eustis and Clermont Florida

On Thur. we went to Camping World and got the water leak fixed.  Then to Central Florida Bibile camp in Eustis Fl. On Fri. we moved from one camp site to another.  In the afternoon we went to Jerry and Miki Weavers vac. home.  Their daughter Terri was there we had a great visit. On Sat. we went to our timeshare in Clermont Fl. Tammy, Kenn, Hope, Brendan, and Bryce came for the night. We played at the water park and went swimming.  That night they had a outdoor movie"Dolphin Tail"

Sun. we went to Clearwater Marine Aquarium and saw " Winter" (from the movie Dolphin Tail) and her friends.

After our fun day we went to my mom and dad's. Then to Skidders for dinner and to celerbrate dad's 88 birthday.
Monday after sleeping in we went to the dentist. I found out that I have to have a root canal, fillings, and cleaning. Linda fillings and cleaning. Then to Tammy's for dinner and time to play with the kids.
Tues. and Wed. were good lazy days well needed.