Wednesday, February 8, 2012

OUCH Root Canel, Bryce's finger, and Dianes fall

Thur. morning we went to the dentist near Tam. and he did a root canal.  I was very lucky I have not had much pain and it did not hurt that bad.  After that we picked up Tam and went out to lunch at Paneras. What a surprise to hear my name called and to see Kevin Wrobolski.  He is the manager there.  After lunch we pick up Bryce, Hope and Brendan and took them to our time share for the night.  We had a great time.We went swimming many times Fri. night we made pizza,had a bubblebath watched a movie. Sat. more swimming, the boys and I played sonuko, we played bingo where Hope and Brendan won 2 of the 5 games, went to see a 3 foot alligator, played at play ground and shuffleboard.  Then Linda and Hope went to crafts and she colored a back pac.

Then just as we were going to bed Tammy called and said that someone shut the door on  Bryce's finger and the top of the pinky came off.  As we were comming to Tams Lins niece called and told us that Diane fell and hit her head and she was in icu with bleeding in the head. Sat. I got up packed the apt. went to the 5th wheel unpacked and then packed to go to Tams for the weekend while Bryce was in the hosiptal. Lin spent the night with the kids and I picked them up and we went to see Bryce after his sugery. They shaved his bone then pulled the skin over it.  He will not have a finger nail on his little  finger. On the way home we stopped by chick-fill-a. Sunday what a great day. There was a chile cook off at Tams church then we found out that Bryce and Diane are home from the hospital. On the way home from church we stopped and got gifts for Bryces home coming and poster board for the kids to welcome home Bryce.  Also Hope wanted to have a Super Bowl Party.  She planned out what to have and cooked everything.  We left after half time to come back to the 5th wheel.

Mon.and Tues. was a day to rest neither one of us felt good. Wed. we are feeling better and took a trip to Mt. Dora.  It is a nice little town but we were still weak so we came home made blt's and rested the rest of the day. We skyped Diane today and saw her black eye and saw how well  see is looking.  She will have a ct scan in a couple weeks and we are praying for a good report.

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