Wednesday, February 29, 2012


2/23/12 After our morning session we went with two couples to Subway then to Don Garlits Museum of Drag Racing.

After we left there we meet 7 folks at Oakwood Smokehouse for another fine dinner.  Fri. we went with Bryce to his Dr. appointment.  He was great they took out one stitch and said the other two would come out on there own.  Then he wanted to go to Wendy's for lunch. Linda and I went to verzion and shopping. After dinner at Tams we had the three kids come spend the night. We had popcorn, Italian ice, and watched half of cars II.

In the morning Linda and Hope made pancakes.   We watched the second half of the movie. We went on a bible scavenger hunt, swung on the swings, balanced on a wire,  climbed a rope wall, went on a walk, found hot coals from a camp fire and made smores.  Then came home for a picnic, fed the fish our bread crumbs, another scavenger hunt, colored plates and glued our things they found on the plates.

Kenn was here for a men's retreat and he took the kids home.  We got ready and Kenn and Tam took us out to dinner. We went to the Seasons 52 for a great dinner and evening. Afterward we went to Starbucks.

Sun. we went to church  and started getting ready our taxes.  We have appt. on Fri.. Mon. Tues and Wed was our first days to sojourn and we helped in many ways tearing down old fences, building benches and shelves, sweeping, cleaning and painting. Tues. night we played hand and foot with some sojourns.

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