Thursday, February 23, 2012


On Thur. I was asked to do a devo.  There has been alot of things I have been able to do way outside my box or comfort zone.

That night we found out that Diane(In Minnesota who had a brain bleed 2 wks ago) was going to have to have a burr hole to relieve the pressure on the brain.  It was to be Fri. at 1 pm.  We were able to get Linda tickets for Fri. she would be there before the surgery.  Then we got a call saying they could not wait and did the surgery around midnight .. Fri. Linda flew to Mn. where she came in the same time as her brother, Mike.  She was able to be with Diane at the hospital until she came home on Tues. night. On Fri night Tam had me for dinner because Linda sister Carol her daughter Amanda and her daughter Heidi were coming from Ga.

 On Sat I finished washing and waxing the 5th wheel. I am so glad that Tam gave me left overs the night before. Sunday after church a group of us went to a barbeque's place.  I got a full rack of ribs and had left overs for the next day. Then Sunday night I took dinner over to Miki Weaver and her mohter for at the end of the week Jerry had gone on to be with the Lord. Monday we had classes then we started games.  I won the bongo game and was in the championship for horseshoes and bean bag toss.  On Tues we (Don a friend I met at camp from Canton Ohio) won the bean bag toss. Don was the person that I played Horseshoes with and he won that. Then that night we had a primerib banquet w here the food, singing, and fellowship was great.

Wed. it was nice having Linda home. We had her prime rib for dinner. Then church where we are gong to a mens and ladies classes.

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