Thursday, April 19, 2012

North Georgia Bible Camp Camp WETOGA//MOM PASSED AWAY

Thur 4/19 Today we left for Ga. We got within 10 miles then came to a small campground.
After getting set up we asked where to have dinner.  They told us a place then on the way we saw a Ford Dealership.  For on the way here our oil change message came on so we got it done and they gave us a car to go to dinner and they told us the same place. We went to a BBQ place .Fri after a bible study in the gazebo then we left for Morganton Ga.

What we thought was going to be bad getting to the top where we were to park the RVS went well.
When I tried to turn the 5th wheel around I almost got stuck in the slick Ga. clay. Then the back of the truck KISSED( rubbed against the front of the 5th wheel but thank the Lord did not damage it thanks to my load scream!!!) the 5th wheel!!!.  We learned alot of lessons on does and don't.  After we got settled in I cleaned the bugs off the front of the 5th wheel then the 8 of us went to a buffet. Sat. after sleeping in we ate then walked around the camp. It looks nice but I can see there is alot of work to be done. Then we and another couple went to Brasstown Bald the highest mountain point in Ga. We drove to the top of the Mt. then walked the last 6/10s of a mile.  At first it was very cloudy then the weather cleared up.  It started to rain on the way down then that turned to hail (We were not enjoying singing in the rain!!!). after we got down we went to Rib Country for dinner and the rest of the group..

                                                      look out on top of the Mt.
fog coming in


Sun. we went to the Blairsville Cof C. We meet Jim and Linda McCarthy and their daughter Sherry and her family.(They used to go to our church)  Afterward they had a pot luck dinner.  We had our meeting for the jobs of what we will be doing for the next 4 weeks then back church.  Mon. As we were doing our bible study my Dad called to tell us that Mom had stopped breathing.  He said he got up at 4 to go to the bathroom then at 7 he went to kiss Mom good morning he knew something was wrong.  He went to the police department because his phone was dead. Then called us.  We got things ready and left for St Pete Beach arriving at 8:20pm.  This was the first time we backed to park in the dark.  Linda and God helped me back-up without getting upset and hitting anything.Then. we went to see Dad. Tues. we went to  Skidders for breakfast. After washing the truck we left for the cremations place.. After the paper work was done the three of us went and saw Mom. She looked so peaceful and we know she is without pain. This has been a very stressful two days I am so happy I have Linda to share this with.  She has been a blessing both to me and Dad. Wed.I cut down Dad,s dead orange tree and cleaned the pool.  Linda cooked and started to clean the kitchen at Dad,s.We have alot of work ahead of us with helping dad get his place up to  par.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Our Last Week at Sunnybrook Children's Home

Thur. I started caulking the base boards,crown moulding and door frames. So far 14 tubes have been used.  There were many gaps in the molding. That night we went to 5 guys for dinner then cards.  We played skipo the guys won. Fri. we went to Vicksburg Ms. We saw the old courthouse then went down to the Yazoo river bank and looked at the many murals
 French Fort Nogales U.S Fort McHenry 
monument for civil war 

Then we walked around town and saw the old train station, Biedenharn Candy Co. and Corner Drug Store.  The candy store was the first bottled coca-cola anywhere in the world.
Old Train station

1st container is Indian Rhubarb!
Then we went to Vicksburg National Military Park a 1,800 acres park, with 1,300 monuments, the first battle ship USS Cairo sunk in the civil war in 12 minutes, and the National Cemetery where 17,000 Union soldiers are buried about 13,000 are unknown.

 Illinois Memorial 47 steps for the 47 day siege
 USS Cairo
This is the area where a torpedo blew up and sunk the ship in 12 min.  The torpedo was 5 pounds of power in a glass container put on a rope from shore to shore with a anchor holding it down. Then those on shore  set off electric charge to the gun power.

 Markers of unknown soldiers
 We drove along the two Battle lines

Confederate Monument
On the way home we went to Verizon for some questions and shopping at Walmart. We got back in time to play cards. Sat. we slept in till 8:40 then we went to the farm of Sunnybrook. A farm of 200 acres where they have many cattle and bulls that the kids show.
 After we got back we did bills and the went to a crawfish boil and catfish fry put on by Madison Church of Christ. They were a lot of work to get to the meat but tasted good.

Mon. Linda went and painted the kitchen with primer. I put the trim around the last mirror and more caulking. Tues Linda and some of the ladies finished painting the Kitchen.  I finished caulking the house with 20 tubes of different caulking. Wed we touched up and washed the mirrors.  What a difference it made. We cleaned up. Then some of the house parents made catfish for lunch..  We will leaving for Morganton Ga. in the morning for another sojourn.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Our Second Week at Sunnybrook Children's Home

Thur. after a day of working at the house we were invited to the young boys home for dinner.  They had hot dogs, hamburgers (with the trimmings), coleslaw, potato salad, chips and desert,  After dinner we played games with the kids. Fri. after painting we all went out to Cock of the Walk and had a great catfish dinner. Sat. we were not going to work but went up to the house and did some painting of the trim in bedroom, hall, and living room. Then went to shopping center across hwy. We found a Fresh Market and Barnes and Nobles. We all got together at night and cooked hot dogs on the open fire and sat and talked till the mosquitoes got bad.

Sun we went to Madison COC. We did not know if we were going to go we both had a bad night and did not feel well.  As we entered the building we saw some friends from Ft Myers the Singleton's and their twins who moved here 6 yrs. ago! After church we went to Ryan's for Easter lunch what a great variety of food.  I tryed to have a sample of it all.  /then enjoyed dessert.

In the afternoon we took a nap.  Lin stayed home as I went to church.  We had a relaxing evening doing email and watching TV. It was our first holiday without family. A little depressing .Mon. Linda feeling better. I am about the same. We painted and painted. Linda and another lady painted 62 doors with primer and enamel paint!!!!  Then imagine the amount of trim work for each door!!! Got the dinning room and family room,main hall,and one of the two small halls done. I seem to be getting worse so after dinner I went to bed and Linda went and played cards. Tues. after working on the house all day we went to a pizza place then came back and played cards ( finally the guys won). Wed. worked on the house then out to the mall for shirts (one of the women has an embroidery sewing machine and is going to put our logo on the shirt!!!!) and dinner at Jason's Deli then to church.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Sunnybrook Children's Home

Thur. we left Tall. Fl and went to Mobile Al. The park is small put good for staying the night.

Fri.we got woken up by a rooster a 5:45 am. 

We had a hard time getting the truck lined up with the king pin.  Just when you think you got it all down pat it doesn't work.  We had a safe but it seemed very long trip to Ridgeland Ms.we arrived at Sunnybrook Children's Home where we will be doing our sojourn for the next three weeks.  We will be doing it with 5 other couples. Sat. we got up early to go to Piccadilly's with the group (we were going to sleep in).  They had a good smorgasbord with fresh omelets, waffles, and pancakes. After we got back and I got the bugs off the front of the 5th wheel. We as a group  went to Jackson to see the old capital.  We learned a lot of history in Ms. and the area an  about the city of Jackson.

 the old state capital
 the new state capitol
                                          a memorial for those who fought for our freedom
Sun. after church the group went out to eat at Piccadilly's again. Then we got back and had our meeting telling us what we will be doing.  We are going to paint the inside of the older boys home that is right behind our campers. Sunday night church then a trip to McDonald's for ice cream.  Monday after our devo we started working on the house getting it ready to paint. I fixed a couple of doors to the bedrooms, a broken drawer, put on new locks on the front and back door, Linda got a mixture of stuff and washed the walls for two days. Tues. I took the back splash in two of the bathroom vanities.  They had gotten wet and swelled. We found some trim boards and I will be trimming them out after the painting is done. We started to take down all the doors for  they will all be painted. Wed. This morning I did one of my first devo. We fixed more broken doors and cut molding for the big mirrors. Linda is now cleaning doors and putting on primer. We also got a call this morning that mom had  fallen out of bed and cut her head and has a goose egg in the middle of the night.  She had to go to the hospital and was admitted for observation.  She had just been to the Drs and labs were showing an issue with her kidneys so dad is hoping they can deal with all that while she is in the hospital. Dad does not want us to come home as of yet.