Saturday, April 14, 2012

Our Last Week at Sunnybrook Children's Home

Thur. I started caulking the base boards,crown moulding and door frames. So far 14 tubes have been used.  There were many gaps in the molding. That night we went to 5 guys for dinner then cards.  We played skipo the guys won. Fri. we went to Vicksburg Ms. We saw the old courthouse then went down to the Yazoo river bank and looked at the many murals
 French Fort Nogales U.S Fort McHenry 
monument for civil war 

Then we walked around town and saw the old train station, Biedenharn Candy Co. and Corner Drug Store.  The candy store was the first bottled coca-cola anywhere in the world.
Old Train station

1st container is Indian Rhubarb!
Then we went to Vicksburg National Military Park a 1,800 acres park, with 1,300 monuments, the first battle ship USS Cairo sunk in the civil war in 12 minutes, and the National Cemetery where 17,000 Union soldiers are buried about 13,000 are unknown.

 Illinois Memorial 47 steps for the 47 day siege
 USS Cairo
This is the area where a torpedo blew up and sunk the ship in 12 min.  The torpedo was 5 pounds of power in a glass container put on a rope from shore to shore with a anchor holding it down. Then those on shore  set off electric charge to the gun power.

 Markers of unknown soldiers
 We drove along the two Battle lines

Confederate Monument
On the way home we went to Verizon for some questions and shopping at Walmart. We got back in time to play cards. Sat. we slept in till 8:40 then we went to the farm of Sunnybrook. A farm of 200 acres where they have many cattle and bulls that the kids show.
 After we got back we did bills and the went to a crawfish boil and catfish fry put on by Madison Church of Christ. They were a lot of work to get to the meat but tasted good.

Mon. Linda went and painted the kitchen with primer. I put the trim around the last mirror and more caulking. Tues Linda and some of the ladies finished painting the Kitchen.  I finished caulking the house with 20 tubes of different caulking. Wed we touched up and washed the mirrors.  What a difference it made. We cleaned up. Then some of the house parents made catfish for lunch..  We will leaving for Morganton Ga. in the morning for another sojourn.

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