Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Our Second Week at Sunnybrook Children's Home

Thur. after a day of working at the house we were invited to the young boys home for dinner.  They had hot dogs, hamburgers (with the trimmings), coleslaw, potato salad, chips and desert,  After dinner we played games with the kids. Fri. after painting we all went out to Cock of the Walk and had a great catfish dinner. Sat. we were not going to work but went up to the house and did some painting of the trim in bedroom, hall, and living room. Then went to shopping center across hwy. We found a Fresh Market and Barnes and Nobles. We all got together at night and cooked hot dogs on the open fire and sat and talked till the mosquitoes got bad.

Sun we went to Madison COC. We did not know if we were going to go we both had a bad night and did not feel well.  As we entered the building we saw some friends from Ft Myers the Singleton's and their twins who moved here 6 yrs. ago! After church we went to Ryan's for Easter lunch what a great variety of food.  I tryed to have a sample of it all.  /then enjoyed dessert.

In the afternoon we took a nap.  Lin stayed home as I went to church.  We had a relaxing evening doing email and watching TV. It was our first holiday without family. A little depressing .Mon. Linda feeling better. I am about the same. We painted and painted. Linda and another lady painted 62 doors with primer and enamel paint!!!!  Then imagine the amount of trim work for each door!!! Got the dinning room and family room,main hall,and one of the two small halls done. I seem to be getting worse so after dinner I went to bed and Linda went and played cards. Tues. after working on the house all day we went to a pizza place then came back and played cards ( finally the guys won). Wed. worked on the house then out to the mall for shirts (one of the women has an embroidery sewing machine and is going to put our logo on the shirt!!!!) and dinner at Jason's Deli then to church.

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