Thursday, April 19, 2012

North Georgia Bible Camp Camp WETOGA//MOM PASSED AWAY

Thur 4/19 Today we left for Ga. We got within 10 miles then came to a small campground.
After getting set up we asked where to have dinner.  They told us a place then on the way we saw a Ford Dealership.  For on the way here our oil change message came on so we got it done and they gave us a car to go to dinner and they told us the same place. We went to a BBQ place .Fri after a bible study in the gazebo then we left for Morganton Ga.

What we thought was going to be bad getting to the top where we were to park the RVS went well.
When I tried to turn the 5th wheel around I almost got stuck in the slick Ga. clay. Then the back of the truck KISSED( rubbed against the front of the 5th wheel but thank the Lord did not damage it thanks to my load scream!!!) the 5th wheel!!!.  We learned alot of lessons on does and don't.  After we got settled in I cleaned the bugs off the front of the 5th wheel then the 8 of us went to a buffet. Sat. after sleeping in we ate then walked around the camp. It looks nice but I can see there is alot of work to be done. Then we and another couple went to Brasstown Bald the highest mountain point in Ga. We drove to the top of the Mt. then walked the last 6/10s of a mile.  At first it was very cloudy then the weather cleared up.  It started to rain on the way down then that turned to hail (We were not enjoying singing in the rain!!!). after we got down we went to Rib Country for dinner and the rest of the group..

                                                      look out on top of the Mt.
fog coming in


Sun. we went to the Blairsville Cof C. We meet Jim and Linda McCarthy and their daughter Sherry and her family.(They used to go to our church)  Afterward they had a pot luck dinner.  We had our meeting for the jobs of what we will be doing for the next 4 weeks then back church.  Mon. As we were doing our bible study my Dad called to tell us that Mom had stopped breathing.  He said he got up at 4 to go to the bathroom then at 7 he went to kiss Mom good morning he knew something was wrong.  He went to the police department because his phone was dead. Then called us.  We got things ready and left for St Pete Beach arriving at 8:20pm.  This was the first time we backed to park in the dark.  Linda and God helped me back-up without getting upset and hitting anything.Then. we went to see Dad. Tues. we went to  Skidders for breakfast. After washing the truck we left for the cremations place.. After the paper work was done the three of us went and saw Mom. She looked so peaceful and we know she is without pain. This has been a very stressful two days I am so happy I have Linda to share this with.  She has been a blessing both to me and Dad. Wed.I cut down Dad,s dead orange tree and cleaned the pool.  Linda cooked and started to clean the kitchen at Dad,s.We have alot of work ahead of us with helping dad get his place up to  par.

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