Saturday, June 23, 2012

Fathers day week-end

Thur. we went to dads to make sure we were ready for garage sale on Fri.On the way home we took in a sunset.

Fri we had a few folks come and they bought a few items. Almost all the rest of the items we took to Hope Hospice. Sat . Tammy and Kenn and family came. We had lunch at Sam's then to Dads for a swim and Fathers day dinner (ribs, shells, and corn). After dinner Dad, Kenn, Brendan and I went to the Rays/Marlins baseball game. we stayed for 9 innings and the game went to 15 Innings before the fins won. Brandan was happy with that.

Sun. Dad took us to Skidders for a filet mignon he owed us. We even had desert, their famous  chocolate cake!!!Oink Oink!!

Mon. we took the truck in for a recall in the exhaust.  They took us to Dads and we ate lunch and got things ready for Moms funeral service on Sunday.  They came and picked us up we went to Walmart and I had my eyes reexamined my left eye is blurry all of a sudden. They found nothing wrong except start of cataracts(tough getting old) and my left eye changed alot so need a new strength. That is the pits because just got new glasses in Nov. Tues. we went to Walmart to get my new glasses and they said the change was not that much different and asked if I keep going back to my old glasses.  They said that might be why the glasses are bad.  Wed. we found out that Carol had a cerbral venus sinus thrombosis with right side paralysis.  Mary had just taken Carols cat into the Vets when she came out Carol was having a seizure. she called 911 they took her to the same hosiptal then after she got stable over to Emory hosp.  They told our family it was life threatening.  We all flew up to be with her. We covet your prayers.

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