Thursday, June 28, 2012

Carol in hosiptal and Moms service

Thur. Diane, Betty, Linda, Mary, Mike and John were all able to get up to Carols to be with her.I did some more waxing and went to Dads for lunch at Skidders.  We went to Publix and got some food for the Sunday B-day party for mom . We also got steaks for dinner which we did on the grill. Dad had a bedroom door I finished painting.  Fri. It has been a whirlwind with Carol.Her right-sided paraylis is improving alittle. She is more stable now and the family is slowly leaving and Linda was able to come home with Shannon's family who stopped to see Carol on there way to Fl. Jen's family also stopped to see Carol on there way to Fl. I spent a total of 12 hours waxing the 5th wheel.  I was so happy to get it done. I went to Dads and fixed sloppy joes for Sunday. Dad had the door just about hung so I helped him finish hanging it. We had frozen turkey pot pies for dinner with pie and ice cream for dessert.  Sat. at 4 in the morning the Alvarez and Linda got here.  Everyone found a place to crash and we didn't get up till 9.

They went to KOA Campground where the Niebrugges and Williams were already checked in.  They were able to get cabins side by side. We spent the afternoon at Dads the kids went swimming  and we had pizza for dinner.(we are having tropical storm Debbie with rain but that didn't stop the kids from swimming) Sunday we were to rent a boat and do a service for Mom at sea.  Debbie saw it different.  It rained all day so a different plan.  Our girls and us meet Dad at Skidders for breakfast.
We then went to Sams and picked up the cake and Publix for the balloons. At Dads we had the sloppy joes and hot dogs for lunch and did my service with everyone. Kenn led singing and Chris read how the song "What a friend we have in Jesus" got written. Al read four scriptures from the Bible. We all shared moments of Moms life.  After that we got the balloons and wrote messages to Mom and let them go into the sky.

Then we celebrated Mackenzie, Hope, Diego, Katie, Brendan, and Mom birthday with a cup cake birthday cake. We spent the rest of the afternoon swimming and playing games (Debbie cont. to blow 30mph wind gusts and torential rain but that didn't stop the kids from swimming)

The Niebrugge left for home then the Alvarez and Williams came back to the cabins to find them flooded.

The Alvarez went to be with the Niebrugges and the Williams left to go home(Tn,).  We had to go to the club house once becuz of weather.  It is very different being in a rv during storms.  We were up and down all night watching the weather. Mon. after a windy night of up to 60 mph gusts of winds and over 12 inches of rain we got out of bed at 9:30am. Tues. we went to Dads after he called the garage would not go up.  We stopped by the beach on the way there to see it gone. The sand dunes are washed away. When we got there we  found that part of the fence was down where the pool pump was and that caused it to have air in it.

                                             grass hopper in Dads drive about 5 inches long

Wed Dad called again to say the insurance person would be there. We just missed him we did find out he is not coverwed by wind damage. We went to Home Depot for fence post and nails. We worked all day getting the fence up and replacing a post and making sure all the staples were in good. What a blessing it was to see the pool person. He came a day early and fixed the pipes to the pool pump. We were also happy to see that the pipe was the only damage to the pool. Also Good news on Carol as its been alot of ups and downs She was finally able to move to a stepdown unit and she was able to walk a short distance on her own. A miracle, thank you God for the return of  her right side.  She still does not have total strength back yet but very close!!!!!  She will be started on coumadin for along time till all the clot is dissolved.  She is still having alot of nausea and vomiting which comes in spurts.

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