Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Thur. everything went well getting ready to leave, traveling and setting up ( thank God ).  After we set up we went to see Jim and Lana who are staying at Fort Wilderness for the month. We played a game of cards which the guys won then went for a swim, to dinner at Elephant Bar, then back to Disney for the 10:00 fire works and Electric parade.(We have lived here a good portion of our lives and have never seen either until now!!!!!  How sad is that???????)

Fri.We got up and went to Kenn's office and got an adjustment and picked up the Kids for the week-end. We went swimming, played ping pong, putt putt,had dinner then pop corn and a movie. Sat. we made crafts then swam, played putt putt,ping pong, checkers and candy bingo.  Then Hope and Bryce entered a water melon eating contest. We did Carola painting in the after noon, grilled chicken dinner,  popcorn and a movie.

Sun. we had coffeecake and a church service at the picnic table. Did some more Carola painting then a swim, putt putt and a craft at the club house.

After lunch and a nap went to the Perkins at Disney. Had a swim, spaghetti dinner, made smores, boat ride and watched the fireworks electric show, which the kids had never seen.

Mon. we did crafts then I went for putt and swim with Bryce while Hope, Brendan, and mom mom played ping pong, craft sand in a bottle, and put a puzzle together. After lunch and quite time we had the kids do a skit with the hand puppets they made.  We took them to Kenn office then went to the Perkins again for we had the swim suits of Taylor and Haley. We took in  a boat ride. ice cream and fire works.

Tues. we went to Beaches ice cream in Disney. Tam, Kenn, Hope, Brendan, Bryce, Lana, Jim, Haley, and Taylor met us there. We celebated Linda, Tammy, and Hope's b-days.

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