Monday, October 29, 2012

Traveling across Texas

Thur.  We got up early to watch Everett feed the catfish in the pond and Camp Bee. Then we traveled to Bridgeport Tx. and are staying at a 1000 trails Bay Landing.

Fri.After sleeping in we got up for breakfast and bible study. Then we drove thru Runaway Bay and stopped at a gas station which has a meat market and restaurant. They had a fish special on Fri. which we got and it came with 2 pieces of fish, beans and 7 hush puppies, sliced tomatoes coleslaw, and potatoes salad (we did share). We drove to Bridgeport to find the church building then to Decatur where we found a Starbucks, Beals, and Walmart.
this was the restroom at the restaurant
After we for back to the camper we went on a bike ride then went to the club house where we carved a pumpkin,went on a hay ride and had hot dogs, chili with corn chips and hot chocolate.

Sat. We left early to go to Dallas and thankful we did even though it was Sat. there was alot of traffic.

this is the sunrise on our way to Dallas

 the Old Red Courthouse. has alot of Dallas history it is now a welcome center and museum.
We walked across the street where JFK was shot and the memorial for him.
Linda is standing where the first shot was fired and hit JFK
This is the second shot that hit JFK

The red top post is where one of the shots was shot from and the whole in the fence on the other side is the shot that hit him in the throat.

this is the memorial to JFK with no roof to celebrate his free spirit

This is one of the many sky scrapers
We were also lucky to get there when they were opening a new park "Klyde Warren Park" they had a 5k run (which did not help us when we were driving around), ribbon cutting, a place to play croquet, ping pong, walk your dog, and have a concert(which they had that night with fire works).

From there we walked to the art district where they were letting folks go into them for free. Some of the art was not me. I did enjoy some of the art and  sculptures at the Dallas Museum of Art.
this is a 60's chair out of teddy bears

 It look like they took some car stopper stones put them in a row and called it art!
here is the description of this: they suggest ancient ritual sites, like Stonehenge, and mankind's mystical communion with nature. Ultimately, the viewer's experience of walking around the stones of Midsummer Circles is meant to evoke similar thoughts, emotions, and sensations as the experience of the artist on his walk through nature. Consideration of this experience is enhanced by the unexpected placement of the stone indoors.         to think this is art?
here is some of the things in the Crow Collection of Asian Art

 As we left we were going to go on a trolley ride to the West Village and the center console exploded and had a fire inside. Needless to say we got off the bus.
We walk to Pioneer Plaza where they had life size cattle and cowboys on their horses.
..the cattle were life size and rounded a corner and went thru a stream.  It shows us what a cattle drive would be like

 We then drove to Dallas Arboretum where they were having kids day at the pumpkin area. This is smaller than the original one but a church with scriptures on the walls.
Linda is looking into a grass mud hut. They stack pieces of sod  around the frame of the  house and on the roof

Tepee of the 18th and 19th century Indians. They were nomadic and did not grow crops.

As we walked thru the gardens there were many flowers and a glass blower artist through out.

In the canoe's are all glass blown objects. (pictures don't do justice. the colors in real life are very bright.)

These are glass blown!!!

In the water stream is glass blown objects!!!

 Then we drove to Fair Park this is where the  World Fair was held and all the building are still used today during their  state fair. We did get to go thru the Hall of State.

this is the Hall of State built by State of Texas for the 1936 Texas Centennial. 

all of the art in these buildings tell of the early years in Texas and are still in great shape

notice the wood work on the wood doors

This is the famous dome of the Dallas Cowboys.  We got there late and were not able to go in maybe next time.It holds 80,000people wth has a retractable roof costing$1.2 billion

The sunset on the way home what a long day.
Sun. after church we went to a Mexican restaurant. When we got home we went on a bike ride. When we got home Linda asked if the trailer was still level and it wasn't in the front. When I checked the rear it was off to. I looked at the tires to see one of them flat!!!!. We called Sam Club and they sent out a tire repair truck. We have to give God the thanks, the guy was awesome and fixed it right then.!!  It was a nail and he was only suppose to put the sparetire on and have us go and get the tire fixed at our expense, instead he just fixed it .  We were so blessed... That night we went to church and they had a potluck afterwards. Mon. we got "caught up" on things around the rig and went for a bike ride at sunset.  I can't believe how fast the temperature drops when the sun goes down.