Wednesday, October 17, 2012

2nd Week in Marshall Tx.

Thur. We had our last day of our guest speaker.  He was amazing and did many old and new test. connections. At Walmart I got a $100 gift card to find out it had $216 on it.  I asked at customer counter if it was a birthday gift!!!!!. That evening we went with Charles and Janice to Golden Corral. Boy we were stuffed We hadn't been there in along time.  They even had a choc fondue fountain. Yum Yum!!!!!. That evening we went to the talent show where I got a special b-day kiss.

Fri. We tryed to get breakfast in Marshall but the only restaurant was a coffee shop.  So we drove to Jefferson.  This bridge was built by one of the sojourners Nick.

 At breakfast they took our picture and are going to use it on the video in the restaurant.

This is a store in Jefferson where they have many items you can sample and 5 cent coffee.

This is 2 homes in Jefferson

This was bike week at Jefferson this was one of many streets.

This is Caddo Lake State Park near Marshall.

That night we went to a great fish place then played cards(the guys were winning by alot then the last hand). Sat. we went to the FIRE ANT FESTIVAL in Marshall. 

That night we went out to another fish place then to Country Music Hayride.  We were lucky we had the first and second place winners at the Music Hall of Fame. The girl won first and the 15 year old boy won second.  The last two pictures is a boy under 2 got up and played with his dad and grandpa.

Sunday after church we went to Papacita's Mexican Restaurant then we got lost twice but found a Sam's, Starbucks(Linda was really excited), and Tractor Supply and didn't find Harbour Freight that we were looking for. Sunday night after church we went to Burger King for ice cream and visited with several sojourners. Monday we have different speakers this week which have been given topics to talk on. After lunch Linda did laundry and helped get the food ready for the banquet Tues. We went with a group to Lucys to have hamburger's then back to the honeycomb for singing. Tues. We got up so I could make coffee cake for everyone during morning break.  As we walked up to the lodge we saw the beautiful sunrise.
In the afternoon we helped with getting the banquet ready. The next 3 pictures putting the potatoes in the oven, pulling the the pork and Linda and I served the people at the dinner that night.

Wed. we went to classes then out to Porky's Smokehouse(they have great fried fish) for dinner with some new folks they too are full timers. We had a good time exchanging our ventures.

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