Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Justin/Brandi's Wedding/ Marshall Tx.

Thur. Alot of the family came to Fort Myers today. The Hotel had a great breakfast with fresh waffles for breakfast. We went to Fridays for lunch with groom to be Justin and his parents Mike and  Pam (who were unbelievably pretty calm) Nick and Kirby and a lot of relatives.  We had dinner at the hotel.

Fri. After another nice breakfast at the hotel we relaxed around the pool. The family came from all over Fla, Ga, Tn, Mn, Oh, and us from Ar. We were worried about the weather for it rained every afternoon and the wedding was outside.  The wedding was on the lawn overlooking the river.(just simply breath taking!)  After the ceremony we had a group picture then went to the front porch where they had drinks and chips. At that time we had our pictures taken in a picture booth where the run of four pictures were put into a book and we got to write in the book. Then we went inside for the first dance then seated for dinner. The Chicken was moist and tender they served mashed potatoes, green beans and rolls. After dinner they did the garter and bouquet. Cut the cake then they had a large cupcake and sang happy birthday to Trisha. We blew bubbles when they left, danced some more then got a box and filled it mm, Reese pieces,kisses, tootsie rolls and more. The wedding was very well done and everyone had a great time.

Sat. breakfast at the hotel then for lunch everyone came to the hotel and had hot dogs, hamburgers, chips and fruit. We visited and some went swimming. That afternoon some went to the beach and others went to Mimi's for dinner. We all met at Mikes for dessert and coffee and we watched the football game. We left for the hotel got the truck packed and went to bed. Sun. we got on the road at 6 the traffic was mild so we made good time. We got to Jackson Ms. around 7 a 14 hour trip.  After getting things put away we slept then Mon. at 9 we left for a 4 hour trip that took us 6 hours.
We stopped at both La and TX. boarders and once to get gas at Loves which took forever there system needs improvement!!   When we got to Camp Bee we were greated with many folks we have met over the past year.  We were late getting there so we are on the overflow parking.  As we got ready we were told our group of campers was having  "greet and meet dinner".  They had 4 chicken potpies and folks brought salads and desserts.  At the honeybee(a place where we all meet) we had singing and prayer.  We got back to our rig and crashed.  Tues. after breakfast and Bible study we met for our morning meeting.  It was so nice to see all the folks we have met here last year. We have a very good speaker from Scotland (when is there sojourn ???) At lunch we ate and did laundry. The old green dots ( folks new last year) got ready for the new green dots banquet. It went very well. We ate, played games, did skits, and made up new songs from old songs with the sojourner in mind. 

Wed. we were having our morning session when one of the men passed out.  It shows how when you get older life is so fragile.  Linda helped him and thinks he needed to change his meds for blood pressure. We have sign up for two sojourn where I will be the co leader we are looking at some more but can not sign up for them until Fri. After church tonight we went to Dairy Queen for ice cream.

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