Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Orlando Fl.

Thur. We enjoyed watching a movie last night with Branden. This morning we ate then played putt putt. Tam and the kids came here and Bryce played putt putt with us while Hope went swimming. We had lunch then played scuffle board. All three kids are quite good at it.Bryce spent the night and we watched a movie and had pop corn.
Fri. We made coffee cake and when we had everything mixed Bryce thought it was time to eat. The 30 min. it took to cook Bryce thought it was for ever. We went to the club house late for it was raining all morning. We played putt putt,checkers and Scuffle board. After lunch we did laundry, played cards, and went fishing. Later a movie and more pop corn.

Sat. we took Bryce and played putt putt, went on a bike ride.

Then met Tam and Hope at Hobby Lobby where we took Hope with us and Tam took Bryce home with her. After we got to the campground we went for a bike ride. We stopped near the rec center to see the RVs they had on display. Then a ride around the park. After a snack we played checkers and scuffle board. Then we went fishing where Hope and Linda caught the biggest and hope caught 5 fish. After dinner Hope made a Owl cellphone holder then coffee cake and we had pop corn when we watched a movie.

Sun. After Church we came home and ate and went fishing again.  I think Hope caught 4 more fish.  We packed up and drove to Tam's watched the boys shoot their bow and arrows,played cards, ate dinner then Kenn Ear waxed my ears. We drove home for a quite evening.

Mon. we cleaned the three compartments underneath the rig.  We got our mail and went through it and did the bills. And worked on updating the computer.
Tues. we did some shopping, laundry, bike ride. and went on a nice walk around the park.
Wed. we moved to Tampa for the RV show.  We will be helping with getting the fields ready and parking over 600 rigs.  We will be here for 12 days.

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