Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Tampa RV show and St. Pete

Thur. Was a easier day for we had single units coming in. This is a picture of last year rally. We both worked in the afternoon.They had hamburgers, potato salad and chips.It was a rainy day and very cold.
That night we checked the people as they came to the show.  They were treated to large home made cookies.They had a 60's quartet they did a great job singing. We had a drawing for prizes here Linda is holding one of the prizes. 
Fri. we got up early and worked two hours then went and looked at the rigs.  That night I served the the left over cookies and Linda served ice cream sandwiches.  They had a  comedian for the evening entertainment and we gave away more prizes.Sat. We got to sleep in then we went back to see more rigs.  We went to the show helped where we could and we had a singing-comedian couple Ron and Kate.  We served cake and left over ice cream.

This is taken out our back window of one of the three fields we parked. 

Sun. we served donuts to the RVers.  Then Ron and Kate did a church service.  We got the rig ready to leave.  That night they had pizza for us and we had a meeting about the week and how we could make it better.
                                                                        Mon. we left and went to the campgrounds near my dad. After we got set up we met Tammy and the kids at Sam's.  We  went to my dad's for a surprise birthday party.  After being there a while we went to the beach.  When we got back we had dinner and a cake.

Tues was the first morning we could sleep in an  we were up before 6!!! S0 we did the laundry, then went for a long bike ride then to dad's for lunch and dinner.  This is the sunset on the way home.
Wed. Today we did sleep in much needed sleep. We drove to dads after lunch.  For dinner he made pork chops in sauerkraut and mashed potatoes (yum yum). On the way home we saw the sunset then off  to church.  This has been a great week.

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