Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Wauchula to Eustis Fl

 Thur.. After breakfast we went on a nature walk almost two miles long then stopped by the produce stand at the 1000 trails park.  We got my passport renewal mailed and just relaxed.

Fri. We got up ate went on a walk then drove to Eustis Fl. This is the rig after we got set up.  We were able to meet alot of the folks still here. The school and children's home had a chicken dinner which we enjoyed.  It was great not having to cook.

Sat.  Linda went to a ladies day at church and I washed the rig. Sun. after church we got invited to go to lunch at one of the sojourners that live here in Mt. Dora. then back to camp where we had a meeting about the next three weeks of work at the Christan School and Children's Home. Then after church tonight we went for a walk around the campus.

Mon.was our first day at sojourn.  Linda paired up and did cleaning and I paired up and we pressure washed a home. It will be painted this week by a crew.  On the way home we got some clothes from the thrift store then went downtown Eustis. This picture is down by a lake in town.

Tues. It railed all day which made it hard to do our pressure cleaning.  I helped put a floor on in the shop.  After we left we went downtown Mt Dora and went to the bank and post office.  I forgot how quaint the town is.
Wed. Today would have been Brighton 13th birthday.  It has been a hard day.He was with us the entire day starting with our morning bible study dealing with Christ being the morning star, Christ shines in our hearts as does our Brighton!!!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Valentine day and Last week in Fort Myers

 Thur.        Happy Valentines Day!!!
Today we all woke up with our colds. As we looked out our back window we see birds playing.  Below we are sipping our tea.

Fri. we got up still feeling bad but better than yesterday.  Brandon gave us a recipe for bread and this is the loaf we had for lunch.  This was the fourth one we have made this week.  After lunch we felt better and all of us went for a walk.

Sat.We meet Tam. and her family then drove to where Mike and his family were to watch the Edison Parade downtown. There were a lot of folks there and we had a potluck with hot dogs, pulled pork, shrimp, hot apple cider, chips and desserts. A great time was had. We got to see Justin and Brandi which was great.  Also we got to see Ted and Sue .Pam's side of the family was there including her mom and dad!!!Did I tell you it was in the 50's!!!!!!!! Donna (Pam's siister) still makes awesome deviled eggs!!!!

Sun. This was a great day but did not start out that way.   I tried to get on the hot spot and the phone was broke again.  On the way to church Linda talked to Verizon and got the hot spot fixed and since we were having so much trouble they let us get our new I-5 phone 3 weeks early!!!!.  After church we went to the apple store and got the phone then met Tam and fam. at Brighton gravesite for cupcakes and balloons to heaven. We then watched the sunset at the river while we had hot pizza.

 Mon.We went to the ice rink to see Clint and Brandons girls in a ice skating program. 

 Then to Mirmar Mall for lunch, shopping and playing on the playground. More cards with Jim and Lana.

 Tues. we were to get up early but slept thru the alarm. Jim wasn't that late getting to his blood test.  It was their 41 anniversary. so we bought them breakfast at Panera's. Linda got to go to the Apple store to ask about her new phone. Then Jim took his I-pad to the store for his graphics were bad and traded it in on a new one. When we got home we gave them a goodie bag for there travel in the motorhome.

Wed. After breakfast, a walk and cards we left and drove to Wauchula Fl. It is a 1000 trails park located on the Peace River. We relaxed then went to Post Office.  The town is small we liked the murals.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Fort Myers

Fri. we drove to town and went to the orange juice place and Barnes and Noble.  Jim and Lana took us out to Bonefish for dinner.

 Sat. we met Mike and Pam at Craves for breakfast.  We enjoyed our visit then went shopping.  Before leaving town we visited Brightons and gave him two roses.  Jim and Lana drove  us to two locks and we saw some motor homes.

Sun. We went to church and talked to alot of the folks there.  It was the first time Linda went and folks were happy to see her.  We went to Brandon and Kristans home for dinner.  Brandon grilled steaks from Publix and Koby steaks to see what one tasted the best. Koby got the most votes. Below we watched Jason and Grace go down a zip line.

Mon. Jim, Clint and I went to shooting range and shot some pistols.  I was surprised how well I did. I had to call Verizon for we could not get on the computer.  They couldn't help me so later that night Linda called and got it straighten out and it is working fine now( we can't wait to get our new phone in 3 weeks).

Tues. we worked on our income tax in the morning. Linda Hanson came for lunch and cards.  Linda is getting over a cold and I am getting one.

Wed. we got up and finished getting our taxes ready.  My cold is getting worse and Linda's has come back. We were planing to go to church now we are just catching up on rest.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Thur. Today was a good day to relax, eat, play cards and enjoy.
 Fri. we got up early and I went to get the computer fixed and my hearing aide cleanned. Linda had a doctor appt. and picked up her blood work.  We met Mike for coffee at the Grind (our old coffee shop).  Linda went to Chico's warehouse and bought some clothes.  We then meet Mike for Lunch at Longhorn. We went back to Jim and Lana's for cards then went back to town to get my computer which was slow and they had to fix it some more. It is now working so I can catch up with my blog. After we got home more cards then a good night sleep for both of us.
Sat. I made coffee and coffee cake, we played cards, and went for a walk. After lunch more cards. For dinner Linda made potato soup (Yum Yum). We played cards and Lana got a call telling her that her mom was air lifted to the Hospital.  Her blood sugar was over  1200 probably caused by a blood infection and she was not  suppose to make it thru the night.

Sun. We got up to find she made it through the night.  Jim, Lana, and Brandon drove to Miss.  Linda took care of Mrs. Perkins.  I went to church and had lunch with Mike and Pam.

Mon. Mrs. Perkins went to be with the Lord about two in the morning.  Hope Hospice came and helped call the funeral home.  Jim, Lana, and Brandon drove back from seeing Lana's mom.   She is doing much better and and they visited with them when they got there at 10 P.M. and 6 A.M. She was able to talk and visit with them. Linda went to Linda Hanson house went to there garden and picked some veg. They left and met Cheryl Edgecomb and Cynthia Jeffecott for dinner.

 Tues. Linda and I went on some errands, went to Starbucks, then to Ted, Linda, Sam and Jennifer for a visit and stayed for dinner.  Linda cooked some sheephead they had caught. Also some veg. from there garden what a feast. They have a pet turtle which is eating cactus.

Wed. we got ready for family that was arriving from out of state.Then we left to go to Mrs. Perkins viewing.  It was nice to see alot of the Perkins family and some we haven't met.  The service was nice . Everyone got up and told stories of  Mrs. Perkins life.  We came home with some of the family from up north and had chili.