Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Fort Myers

Fri. we drove to town and went to the orange juice place and Barnes and Noble.  Jim and Lana took us out to Bonefish for dinner.

 Sat. we met Mike and Pam at Craves for breakfast.  We enjoyed our visit then went shopping.  Before leaving town we visited Brightons and gave him two roses.  Jim and Lana drove  us to two locks and we saw some motor homes.

Sun. We went to church and talked to alot of the folks there.  It was the first time Linda went and folks were happy to see her.  We went to Brandon and Kristans home for dinner.  Brandon grilled steaks from Publix and Koby steaks to see what one tasted the best. Koby got the most votes. Below we watched Jason and Grace go down a zip line.

Mon. Jim, Clint and I went to shooting range and shot some pistols.  I was surprised how well I did. I had to call Verizon for we could not get on the computer.  They couldn't help me so later that night Linda called and got it straighten out and it is working fine now( we can't wait to get our new phone in 3 weeks).

Tues. we worked on our income tax in the morning. Linda Hanson came for lunch and cards.  Linda is getting over a cold and I am getting one.

Wed. we got up and finished getting our taxes ready.  My cold is getting worse and Linda's has come back. We were planing to go to church now we are just catching up on rest.

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