Thursday, February 21, 2013

Valentine day and Last week in Fort Myers

 Thur.        Happy Valentines Day!!!
Today we all woke up with our colds. As we looked out our back window we see birds playing.  Below we are sipping our tea.

Fri. we got up still feeling bad but better than yesterday.  Brandon gave us a recipe for bread and this is the loaf we had for lunch.  This was the fourth one we have made this week.  After lunch we felt better and all of us went for a walk.

Sat.We meet Tam. and her family then drove to where Mike and his family were to watch the Edison Parade downtown. There were a lot of folks there and we had a potluck with hot dogs, pulled pork, shrimp, hot apple cider, chips and desserts. A great time was had. We got to see Justin and Brandi which was great.  Also we got to see Ted and Sue .Pam's side of the family was there including her mom and dad!!!Did I tell you it was in the 50's!!!!!!!! Donna (Pam's siister) still makes awesome deviled eggs!!!!

Sun. This was a great day but did not start out that way.   I tried to get on the hot spot and the phone was broke again.  On the way to church Linda talked to Verizon and got the hot spot fixed and since we were having so much trouble they let us get our new I-5 phone 3 weeks early!!!!.  After church we went to the apple store and got the phone then met Tam and fam. at Brighton gravesite for cupcakes and balloons to heaven. We then watched the sunset at the river while we had hot pizza.

 Mon.We went to the ice rink to see Clint and Brandons girls in a ice skating program. 

 Then to Mirmar Mall for lunch, shopping and playing on the playground. More cards with Jim and Lana.

 Tues. we were to get up early but slept thru the alarm. Jim wasn't that late getting to his blood test.  It was their 41 anniversary. so we bought them breakfast at Panera's. Linda got to go to the Apple store to ask about her new phone. Then Jim took his I-pad to the store for his graphics were bad and traded it in on a new one. When we got home we gave them a goodie bag for there travel in the motorhome.

Wed. After breakfast, a walk and cards we left and drove to Wauchula Fl. It is a 1000 trails park located on the Peace River. We relaxed then went to Post Office.  The town is small we liked the murals.

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