Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Thur. Today was a good day to relax, eat, play cards and enjoy.
 Fri. we got up early and I went to get the computer fixed and my hearing aide cleanned. Linda had a doctor appt. and picked up her blood work.  We met Mike for coffee at the Grind (our old coffee shop).  Linda went to Chico's warehouse and bought some clothes.  We then meet Mike for Lunch at Longhorn. We went back to Jim and Lana's for cards then went back to town to get my computer which was slow and they had to fix it some more. It is now working so I can catch up with my blog. After we got home more cards then a good night sleep for both of us.
Sat. I made coffee and coffee cake, we played cards, and went for a walk. After lunch more cards. For dinner Linda made potato soup (Yum Yum). We played cards and Lana got a call telling her that her mom was air lifted to the Hospital.  Her blood sugar was over  1200 probably caused by a blood infection and she was not  suppose to make it thru the night.

Sun. We got up to find she made it through the night.  Jim, Lana, and Brandon drove to Miss.  Linda took care of Mrs. Perkins.  I went to church and had lunch with Mike and Pam.

Mon. Mrs. Perkins went to be with the Lord about two in the morning.  Hope Hospice came and helped call the funeral home.  Jim, Lana, and Brandon drove back from seeing Lana's mom.   She is doing much better and and they visited with them when they got there at 10 P.M. and 6 A.M. She was able to talk and visit with them. Linda went to Linda Hanson house went to there garden and picked some veg. They left and met Cheryl Edgecomb and Cynthia Jeffecott for dinner.

 Tues. Linda and I went on some errands, went to Starbucks, then to Ted, Linda, Sam and Jennifer for a visit and stayed for dinner.  Linda cooked some sheephead they had caught. Also some veg. from there garden what a feast. They have a pet turtle which is eating cactus.

Wed. we got ready for family that was arriving from out of state.Then we left to go to Mrs. Perkins viewing.  It was nice to see alot of the Perkins family and some we haven't met.  The service was nice . Everyone got up and told stories of  Mrs. Perkins life.  We came home with some of the family from up north and had chili.

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