Wednesday, April 3, 2013


 Thur. was a long day we met Tammy and the kids and drove to St Pete.  We stopped by Sams and had lunch and bought dinner.  The boys read books while they waited.  After we got to my Dad's Linda, Tammy, Hope, Brendan, and Bryce went to the beach.  They played volleyball, made a sand castle, slid down the water breakers and took a walk,all in high 60 weather.   When they got back to Dad,s we colored eggs and frosted cookies.  We had our dinner and ate some of the cookies.

Fri. we got up got our mail and everything we been waiting for was there.  We went to a Italian restaurant for lunch (Tony's).  Then we had to go to a ATM to use my new debit card. We went to a produce market and Radio Shack to get things for the antenna in the front room.  After many hours of working with the parts it still does not work well.  Hardy and Dianne come over to play cards and the guys won.

Sat. We got the laundry and  truck washed. Then we left to Tammy and Kenn's.  When we got there Linda worked with Hope to make an Easter bunny cake and I helped Kenn with the two chairs he is redoing. The boys helped at the end decorating the cake.

 Sun. The Easter bunny was good it brought over 140 real and plastic eggs.  There were hid in and out of the house. Everyone  got a Easter basket.

For breakfast we had rolls.  We took crescent roll put butter for the oil used on Jesus, Then Cinnamon for the spices and a marshmallow show for Jesus.  We rolled the marshmallow and baked while Kenn read the story from Matthew.  The kids were the guards to make sure that no one took the marshmallow out of the oven.  When we open the oven the rolls were empty(tomb) and there was the linen cloth by the rolls.

 Just before church.
This picture we are watching a dvd they got for Easter. After we got back to the rig we went to open it up and the trim got caught on the chair and almost ripped it in half.

     Mon.  We left for Tallahassee.  Mary came by with a air compressors and a brad gun.  We glued the broken piece and the brads attached it to the side. John came  over with dinner we sat and had a nice talk.
     Tues.When we Back up the rig in Tall. Linda noticed the wheels grinding on the rig so we called Ronnie.  After talking to him and Heartland we are going to have the brakes looked at.  They did not grind going forward so we drove to Jackson Miss.  After we got here we went to the shopping center across the highway ate at 5 guys shopped at Fresh Market and found Barns and Noble, Apple Store, and many others.
     Wed.It rained all night and we woke up to cold cold cold.  Then it rained all day and never got warm 48. We did meet with the director Rob of Sunnybrook Children's Home and he laid out what they wanted us to do the next three weeks. We went to the store and church then to a warm bed.

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