Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Our First Week At Sunnybrook Children's Home

      Thur. We walked around the campus getting a better idea what material we need for the next three weeks.  We then went to Lowe's but on the way we went to a new coffee shop called Cups.  We each got a cup of flavored coffee.
      Fri. We spent the day checking out the sleep number bed for it seems to be leaking air.  I also met with the window person to find out what we needed and how he wanted it done.  One of the team members is here (Mike and Kathleen) so we drove them to some of the highlight places close to here.  Mike also helped me get the list of things for the windows. After dinner they came over and we watched  "RV".

 Sat. At the community College across the street they had a car show so we went to it.  They had many old and newer cars. Here are a few.  Later n the day we went to the shopping area across the highway.  They were having a craft and art show.  They also had two music groups that we listened to as we walked around the show.

     Sun. After church and lunch at Applebee's we had our first meeting. It went very well,everyone told about themselves and me giving a overview of what we will be doing the next three weeks.  We went to a different church with the co leader Jim and Irene Gordan who's son was doing the lesson that evening.
    Mon. Linda and the other ladies got alot of the house cleaned today and the guys got two of the thirteen windows in.  I am very happy the way everyone is working together. We went to a new restaurant tonight called Newk it is like a Jason's Deli.  The soup and sandwich were very good and filling we had soup to bring home.
     Tues.Another great day we got five windows in today with only five to go. The girls did alot more cleaning to one of the cottages.
     Wed. Things are going great as we put in the windows only two more to go.  The girls will finish the house they are cleaning Thur. As a group we went to the Madison Church of Christ where Ronnie (one of the sojourners) presented the church with a tape about sojourning.

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